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  You're the one who's going to be extinct; spider! You and your whole damn race。
  This time his blistering reply did not shove away the entity's mind…touch。
  (By then; certainly。 But our type…design is always to be found in the Great Galactic Library; and we are far too useful ever to be forgotten。 Whenever a world must be evacuated; tidied up; and allowed to lay fallow once more…whenever the mighty works of some former tenant race must be rubbed down to recycled dust…then we shall always rise again。
  (Can your tribe of ignorant monkeys claim such usefulness; my precious? Can you claim any 〃purpose〃 at all? Save a tenacious will to keep on existing?)
  This time Dwer did not answer。 He needed to conserve his strength。 If the earlier descent had been awful; ascending became pure hell。 It was twice as hard craning backward to hack away at vines overhead as it had been striking down。 In addition to danger from whipping cables and spurting acid; he and Rety had to climb through a mist of shimmering drops。 It was no longer a matter of shaking them off one by one; but of dodging the thicker drifts and somehow preventing them from adhering to their eyes; noses; and ears。 Through that luminous miasma; Dwer saw more creepers twist and flop into a gathering mesh above; more quickly than he would have believed possible。 Clearly; One…of…a…Kind had been holding back till now。
  (What did you expect? That I would show you all the things that I am capable o…
  (。。。 that I would show you all the。。。
  (。。。 that I would show。。。)
  When the voice in Dwer's head trailed off; his first reaction was relief。 He had other worries; like an agonizing crick in his neck and a right arm that looked as if it had been dipped in a jeweler's vat; and that seemed about to cramp from the repetitive hacking; hacking; hacking。 Now if only the chattering noor would shut up too; with its shrill keening。 Mudfoot's piercing chitters crescendoed; rising in pitch beyond the limit of Dwer's direct hearing but not past ability to scrape a vexing runnel under his skull。
  Through it all; a nagging worry bothered Dwer。
  I left the glaver all tied up。 Will she die of thirst if I never make it back?
  〃Left!〃 Rety shouted。 He quickly obeyed; swinging as far as possible; trusting her swift reflexes to warn of jets of yellow sap。
  〃Okay; clear!〃 she called。
  The machete slipped。 Dwer fumbled at the wrist strap three times before getting a grip to resume chopping the slender vines filling the chimney overhead; cutting off the swiftly failing twilight。 If they didn't make it out by full nightfall; every advantage would belong to the crazy mule…spider。
  Now a sound he had dismissed as background noise grew too loud to ignore。 A low rumbling counterbass overrode the noor's yapping。 All around Rety and Dwer; the hedge began vibrating。 A number of brittle vines shuddered to dust while others sprouted cracks and dripped fluids…red; orange; and milky…noxious additions to a fog that already stung human eyes。 Through that blur; Dwer blinked upward to see Mudfoot; perched nimbly atop the hedge of vines; withdrawing in snarling defiance as something new entered view from the south…something that hovered in the air; without any visible means of support!
  A machine! A symmetrical; slab…sided form with gleaming flanks that reflected the sunset; drifting to a point just above the shuddering hedge。
  Suddenly; its belly blazed forth a bitter light that diffracted past the vines。 The slender beam lanced right past Rety and Dwer; as if probing for something deeper。。。。
  〃It's hunting the bird!〃 Rety crouched beside Dwer; seizing his arm and pointing。
  〃Never mind the damn bird!〃 he cursed。 The hedge was shaking worse than ever。 Dwer dragged her behind him just as a sundered tube whipped past; spurting caustic fluid; splattering a trail of fizzing agony along his back as he shielded the girl。 Purple spots swarmed across his field of vision; and the machete slipped its thong to fall; clattering off branches on its way down。
  Now it seemed as if the hedge were alive with stark; fleeing shadows; as the floating machine's searchlight narrowed to a searing needle that scorched anything it touched。
  By the same light Dwer glimpsed the bird…thing; trapped inside its cage of ropy mesh and coated with a golden patina; erupting now in a dance of evasion; leaping back and forth as it tried to dodge the burning ray of light; its feathers already smoldering in spots。 Rety let out a throaty cry of anger; but it was all the two humans could do simply to hold on。
  Finally; the bird…thing seemed to give up。 It stopped ducking and instead spread its four wings in a pitiful effort to create a shielding canopy; which began to smoke as the blazing shaft struck home and stayed。 Only the little bird…machine's head poked out; snaking upward to gape toward the aggressor with one open; staring eye。
  Dwer was watching in horrified amazement; mixed with stunned pity; when that dark; jadelike eye abruptly exploded。
  The blinding flash was the last thing he clearly remembered for a long time to e。
  Do not make poisons
  that you cannot use。
  Use all of the poisons
  that you make。
  If others must clean up
  after you;
  Do not act offended when they exact a price。
  …The Scroll of Advice
  Alvin's Tale
  SO THERE WE WERE; JUST ARRIVED AT THE TOP…END TRAM platform after a long ride from Wuphon Port; and no sooner do Huck; Pincer; and me step off the tram car (with little Huphu riding Pincer's shell for luck) than our urrish pal; Ur…ronn; gallops up all flushed and bothered。 Without offering so much as a greeting…preamble; she mences to prancing; snaking her narrow head back and forth; and hissing at us in that awful version of GalTwo she must've picked up back when she was grub…sized; foraging in the grass out on the Warril Plain。 You know the dialect I mean…the one that drops every other double…click phrase stop; so at first all I could make out was a bunch of basso tone pulses conveying frenzied excitement。
  Worse; a moment later she starts nipping at us; like we were a bunch of pack donkeys to be herded down the hall!
  〃Hrrrrm! Now hold it right there;〃 I insisted。 〃Nothing ever gets done right by letting yourself get so igsee frantic。 Whatever you've got to say can surely wait for a proper hello to friends you haven't seen in weeks。 After all…yi…houongwa!〃
  Yes; that was a hoonish throat…blat of pain。 Huck had rolled one of her main…wheels over my left foot。
  〃Varnish it; Alvin。 You sound just like your father!〃
  My father? I thought。 How utterly ungloss。
  〃Haven't you been listening to Ur…ronn?〃 Huck went on。
  My sac panted a few times as I ran back over the last few duras; piecing together some of what Ur…ronn was nattering about。
  It was a wild tale all right; and we've told each other some whoppers。
  〃Hr…r…r…a starship?〃 I stared at our urrish pal。 〃You mean it this time? It's not just a et; like you tried fooling us with a year ago?〃
  Ur…ronn stamped a forefoot; knowing I had her nailed。 Switching to Anglic; she swore。 〃This tine for real! Ve…lieve ne! I heard Uriel and Gyfz talking。 They caught it on flates!〃
  On plates; I translated from the way her cleft upper lip mangles some Anglic consonants。 Photographic plates。 Maybe Ur…ronn wasn't having us on; after all。 〃Can we see?〃 I asked。
  An urrish moan of frustration。 〃You jeekee file of scales and fur! That's where I veen trying to take you guys since the tran stoffed!〃
  〃Oh。〃 I bowed with a sweep of one arm。 〃Well then; what are we waiting around here for? Let's go!〃
  Years ago; Uriel the Smith inherited the Mount Guenn works from Ur…tanna; who was liege…heir to Ulennku; who got the sprawling underground mill from her own dying master; the great Urnunu; who rebuilt those mighty halls after quakes shook the Slope like a wet noor during the Year of the Egg。 Before that; the tale goes back to a misty time before humans brought paper memory to Jijo; when wisdom had to fit in someone's living head or else be lost。 Back to days when urrish settlers had to fight and 
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