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  Lark's chosen path also led away from the canyon where the innocents had been sent…the children; chimpanzees; lorniks; zookirs; and glavers。 Perhaps the plunderers' eyes weren't omniscient; after all。 Maybe precious things could be hidden。
  Lark agreed with the sages' plan。 Thus far。
  Clots of spectators normally gathered at the valley rim to watch the black cube drink sunlight without reflections or highlights。 When the two humans reached those heights; one group of urrish onlookers backed away nervously; hooves clattering like pebbles on hard stone。 They were all young unbrooded females with empty mate pouches。 Just the sort to have an itch for trouble。
  Conical heads bobbed and hissed; lowering toward the humans; displaying triangles of serrated teeth。 Lark's shoulders tensed。 The rewq in his belt pocket squirmed as it sensed rancor in the air。
  〃Stop that!〃 he warned; when Ling started pointing an instrument toward the milling urs。 〃Just keep walking。〃
  〃Why? I only want to take…〃
  〃Of that I'm sure。 But now's not a good time。〃
  Lark held her elbow; urging her along。 From first contact he could tell she was quite strong。
  A rock shot past them from behind and struck the ground ahead。 An aspirated shout followed。
  Ling started to turn in curiosity; but Lark kept her moving。 Added voices joined in。
  〃Jeekee skirlsss!〃
  More stones pelted around them。 Ling's eyes showed dawning concern。 So Lark reassured her; dryly; 〃Urs don't throw very well。 Lousy aim; even after they learned about bows and arrows。〃
  〃They are your enemies;〃 she observed; quickening the pace on her own accord。
  〃That's putting it too strong。 Let's just say that humans had to fight a bit for our place here on Jijo; early on。〃
  The urrish rabble followed; easily keeping up; shouting and stoking their nerve…until one of their own kind galloped in from the east; swerving suddenly in front of the throng。 Wearing the brassard of a Proctor of Gathering; she spread her arms wide; displaying two full mating pouches and active scent glands。 The mob stumbled to a halt as her head bobbed bold; aggressive circles; snapping and shooing them away from the two humans。
  Law and order still function; Lark thought; with relief。 Though for how much longer?
  〃What were they shouting at us?〃 Ling asked after marching farther under a canopy of fine…needled vor trees。 〃It wasn't in GalSix or GalTwo。〃
  〃Local dialect。〃 Lark chuckled。 〃Jeekeewas originally a hoonish curseword; now in mon use。 It means smelly…as if those randy little unwed urs should talk!〃
  〃And the other word?〃
  Lark glanced at her。 〃Insults are important to urs。 Back in pioneer days; they wanted something to call us。 Something humans would find both offensive and apropos。 So; during an early truce; they very nicely asked our founders to tell 'em the name of an animal familiar to us。 One that lived in trees and was known for being silly。〃
  Her eyes; taken straight on; were large and exquisite。 Hardly the sort you'd expect on a pirate。
  〃I don't get it;〃 Ling said。
  〃To them we're tree…climbers。 Just as they must have reminded our ancestors of horses; hinneys; grass…browsers。〃
  〃So? I still don't…〃
  〃So we make an effort to act really insulted; when an angry urs calls one of us a squirrel。 It makes them so happy; you see。〃
  She looked puzzled; as if many parts of his explanation confused her。 〃You want to please your enemies?〃 she asked。
  Lark sighed。 〃No one on the Slope has enemies anymore。 Not on that kind of scale。〃
  That is; not until lately; he added silently。 〃Why?〃 he continued; trying to turn the interrogation around。 〃Are enemies mon where you're from?〃
  It was her turn to sigh。 〃The galaxies are dangerous。 Humans aren't well…liked by many。〃
  〃So said our ancestors。 It's because humans are wolflings; right? Because we uplifted ourselves; without the help of a patron?〃
  Ling laughed。 〃Oh; that old myth!〃 Lark stared。 〃Do you。。。 You can't mean。。。 ?〃 〃That we know the truth? Our origin and destiny?〃 She smiled; an expression of serene knowing。 〃Goodness; lost child of the past; you people have been away a long time。 Do you mean that you have never heard of our gracious lords; the Rothen? The beloved patrons of all humankind?〃
  His foot caught a stone; and Ling grabbed his arm to steady him。 〃But we can discuss that later。 First I want to talk about these…what did you call them…skirrils?〃
  She held out a finger adorned with a bulbous ring Lark guessed must be a recording device。 It took an effort of will to switch mental tracks; suppressing his flare of curiosity about galactic issues。 〃What? Oh; that's squirrels。〃
  〃You imply they are arboreal and humanlike。 Will we get to see any along the way?〃
  He blinked at her; then shook his head。 〃Um; I don't think so。 Not this trip。〃
  〃Well; what can you tell me about them? For instance; do they show any aptitude for tool use?〃
  Lark needed neither psi nor rewq to read the mind of his lovely guest。 He carried her question toward its unmistakable aim。
  Do they show a talent for machinery? For war and merce? For philosophy and an?
  Do they have Potential? The magic essence that it takes to profit from the right kind of help?
  Do they have the rare tincture; the promise; that makes a patron's push worthwhile? The stuff to bee starfarers someday?
  Are they prospects for uplift?
  Lark concealed his surprise over her ignorance。 〃Not to the best of my knowledge;〃 he answered honestly; since the only squirrels he'd seen were in ancient; faded pictures from old Earth。 〃If we pass near any; you can see for yourself。〃
  Clearly; the star…forayers were here seeking bio…treasure。 What else might poor Jijo offer that was worth sneaking past the sentries of the Migration Institute; slipping through star…lanes long ceded to the strange; menacing civilization of the Zang; then braving Izmunuti's deadly carbon wind?
  What else? Lark pondered。 Except refuge? Ask your own ancestors; boy。
  The newers made no pretense; as Lark might have expected; of representing a galactic agency or feigning a legal right to survey Jijo's biosphere。 Did they think the exiles had no memory of such things? Or did they simply not care? Their goal…data about changes since the Buyur left…made Lark's lifework more precious than he ever imagined。 So much that Lester Cambel had ordered him to leave his notebooks behind; lest they fall into alien hands。
  The sages want me to play it close。 Try to find out at least as much from her as she learns from me。
  A foredoomed plan; of course。 The Six were like infants; ignorant of the rules of a deadly game。 Still; Lark would do his best; so long as his agenda and the sages' remained the same。 Which might not always be the case。
  They know that。 Surely they've not forgotten I'm a heretic?
  Fortunately the forayers had assigned their least intimidating member to acpany him。 It might just as easily have been Rann; a huge male with close…cropped gray hair; a booming voice; and a wedgelike torso that seemed about to burst from his snug uniform。 Of the two others who emerged from the black station; Kunn was nearly as masculinely imposing as Rann; with shoulders like a young hoon's; while pale…haired Besh was so dramatically female that Lark wondered how she moved so gracefully with a body that prodigiously curved。 pared to her colleagues; Ling seemed almost normal; though she would have caused a stir growing up in any Jijoan town…no doubt provoking many duels among hot…tempered suitors。
  Don't forget your vow; Lark reminded himself; puffing in exertion while climbing a steep part of the trail。 Perspiration stained the front of Ling's blouse; which clung to her in provocative ways。 He forced himself to look away。 You made a choice; to live for a goal greater than yourself。 If you wouldn't forsake that aim for an honest woman of Jijo; don't even think about giving it up for a raider; an alien; an enemy of this world。
  Lark found a new way to direct the heat in his veins。 Lust can be blocked by other strong emotions。 So he turned to anger。
  You plan to 
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