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   Today we will be mixing a potion that often es up at Ordinary Wizarding Level: the Draught of Peace; a potion to calm anxiety and soothe agitation。 Be warned: if you are too heavy…handed with the ingredients you will put the drinker into a heavy and sometimes irreversible sleep; so you will need to pay close attention to what you are doing。' On Harry's left; Hermione sat up a little straighter; her expression one of utmost attention。 The ingredients and method …' Snape flicked his wand '… are on the blackboard …' (they appeared there) '… you will find everything you need …' he flicked his wand again '… in the store cupboard …' (the door of the said cupboard sprang open) '… you have an hour and a half: start。'
   Just as Harry; Ron and Hermione had predicted; Snape could hardly have set them a more difficult; fiddly potion。 The ingredients had to be added to the cauldron in precisely the right order and quantities; the mixture had to be stirred exactly the right number of times; firstly in clockwise; then in anti…clockwise directions; the heat of the flames on which it was simmering had to be lowered to exactly the right level for a specific number of minutes before the final ingredient was added。
   'A light silver vapour should now be rising from your potion;' called Snape; with ten minutes left to go。
   Harry; who was sweating profusely; looked desperately around the dungeon。 His own cauldron was issuing copious amounts of dark grey steam; Ron's was spitting green sparks。 Seamus was feverishly prodding the flames at the base of his cauldron with the tip of his wand; as they seemed to be going out。 The surface of Hermione's potion; however; was a shimmering mist of silver vapour; and as Snape swept by he looked down his hooked nose at it without ment; which meant he could find nothing to criticise。
   At Harry's cauldron; however; Snape stopped; and looked down at it with a horrible smirk on his face。
   'Potter; what is this supposed to be?'
   The Slytherins at the front of the class all looked up eagerly; they loved hearing Snape taunt Harry。
   The Draught of Peace;' said Harry tensely。
   Tell me; Potter;' said Snape softly; 'can you read?'
   Draco Malfoy laughed。
   'Yes; I can;' said Harry; his fingers clenched tightly around his wand。
   'Read the third line of the instructions for me; Potter。'
   Harry squinted at the blackboard; it was not easy to make out the instructions through the haze of multicoloured steam now filling the dungeon。
   '〃Add powdered moonstone; stir three times counter…clockwise; allow to simmer for seven minutes then add two drops of syrup of hellebore。〃'
   His heart sank。 He had not added syrup of hellebore; but had proceeded straight to the fourth line of the instructions after allowing his potion to simmer for seven minutes。
   'Did you do everything on the third line; Potter?'
   'No;' said Harry very quietly。
   'I beg your pardon?'
   'No;' said Harry; more loudly。 'I forgot the hellebore。'
   'I know you did; Potter; which means that this mess is utterly worthless。 Evanesce。'
   The contents of Harry's potion vanished; he was left standing foolishly beside an empty cauldron。
   Those of you who have managed to read the instructions; fill one flagon with a sample of your potion; label it clearly with your name and bring it up to my desk for testing;' said Snape。 'Homework: twelve inches of parchment on the properties of moonstone and its uses in potion…making; to be handed in on Thursday。'
   While everyone around him filled their flagons; Harry cleared away his things; seething。 His potion had been no worse than Ron's; which was now giving off a foul odour of bad eggs; or Neville's; which had achieved the consistency of just…mixed cement and which
   Neville was now having to gouge out of his cauldron; yet it was he; Harry; who would be receiving zero marks for the day's work。 He stuffed his wand back into his bag and slumped down on to his seat; watching everyone else march up to Snape's desk with filled and corked flagons。 When at long last the bell rang; Harry was first out of the dungeon and had already started his lunch by the time Ron and Hermione joined him in the Great Hall。 The ceiling had turned an even murkier grey during the morning。 Rain was lashing the high windows。
   That was really unfair;' said Hermione consolingly; sitting down next to Harry and helping herself to shepherd's pie。 'Your potion wasn't nearly as bad as Goyle's; when he put it in his flagon the whole thing shattered and set his robes on fire。'
   'Yeah; well;' said Harry; glowering at his plate; 'since when has Snape ever been fair to me?'
   Neither of the others answered; all three of them knew that Snape and Harry's mutual enmity had been absolute from the moment Harry had set foot in Hogwarts。
   'I did think he might be a bit better this year;' said Hermione in a disappointed voice。 'I mean: you know:' she looked around carefully; there were half a dozen empty seats on either side of them and nobody was passing the table ': now he's in the Order and everything。'
   'Poisonous toadstools don't change their spots;' said Ron sagely。 'Anyway I've always thought Dumbledore was cracked to trust Snape。 Where's the evidence he ever really stopped working for You…Know…Who?'
   'I think Dumbledore's probably got plenty of evidence; even if he doesn't share it with you; Ron;' snapped Hermione。
   'Oh; shut up; the pair of you;' said Harry heavily; as Ron opened his mouth to argue back。 Hermione and Ron both froze; looking angry and offended。 'Can't you give it a rest?' said Harry。 'You're always having a go at each other; it's driving me mad。' And abandoning his shepherd's pie; he swung his schoolbag back over his shoulder and left them sitting there。
   He walked up the marble staircase two steps at a time; past the many students hurrying towards lunch。 The anger that had just flared so unexpectedly still blazed inside him; and the vision of Ron and Hermione's shocked faces afforded him a sense of deep satisfaction。 Serve them right; he thought; why can't they give it a rest: bickering all the time: it's enough to drive anyone up the wall:
   He passed the large picture of Sir Cadogan the knight on a landing; Sir Cadogan drew his sword and brandished it fiercely at Harry; who ignored him。
   'e back; you scurvy dog! Stand fast and fight!' yelled Sir Cadogan in a muffled voice from behind his visor; but Harry merely walked on and when Sir Cadogan attempted to follow him by running into a neighbouring picture; he was rebuffed by its inhabitant; a large and angry…looking wolfhound。
   Harry spent the rest of the lunch hour sitting alone underneath the trapdoor at the top of North Tower。 Consequently; he was the first to ascend the silver ladder that led to Sybill Trelawney's classroom when the bell rang。
   After Potions; Divination was Harry's least favourite class; which was due mainly to Professor Trelawney's habit of predicting his premature death every few lessons。 A thin woman; heavily draped in shawls and glittering with strings of beads; she always reminded Harry of some kind of insect; with her glasses hugely magnifying her eyes。 She was busy putting copies of battered leather…bound books on each of the spindly little tables with which her room was littered when Harry entered the room; but the light cast by the lamps covered by scarves and the low…burning; sickly…scented fire was so dim she appeared not to notice him as he took a seat in the shadows。 The rest of the class arrived over the next five minutes。 Ron emerged from the trapdoor; looked around carefully; spotted Harry and made directly for him; or as directly as he could while having to wend his way between tables; chairs and overstuffed pouffes。
   'Hermione and me have stopped arguing;' he said; sitting down beside Harry。
   'Good;' grunted Harry。
   'But Hermione says she thinks it would be nice if you stopped taking out your temper on us;' said Ron。
   'I'm not …'
   'I'm just passing on the message;' said Ron; talking over him。 'But I reckon she's right。 It's not our fault how Seamus and Snape treat you。'
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