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ericlustbader.the ninja-第11章

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 'As you can see;' Doc Deerforth said; indicating the contents of the folder in Vincent's hands; 'he had no previous record of heart failure or any cardiac problem at all; none in his family。 He was a perfectly healthy thirty…six…year…old male Caucasian; slightly out of shape but …'
 'He died of a massive M。I。' Vincent pleted the sentence。 'Heart attack。'
 'Induced; I'm convinced;' Doc Deerforth said; bending forward and stabbing at the printed sheet; 'by that substance。'
 'Have you fed it through the puter?'
 Doc Deerforth shook his head。 'Remember that as far as anyone here is concerned; this is an 〃accidental death by drowning〃; at least as of now。 Anyway; you must be aware dial it would do no good at all。'
 'What about the delay in your report to the C。M。E。?' Vincent snapped shut the folder; handed it over to Doc Deerforth。
 'Why; didn't I tell you? I'm having a bit of trouble with the man's family。' Doc Deerforth placed the folder under his arm and guided Vincent out of the lab; turning out the lights。 The twenty…minute drive back to West Bay Bridge seemed awfully long to him all of a sudden。
 Justine sat scrunched down in a far corner of the couch; knees drawn up; arms about her legs。 Her open sketchpad lay on the low wooden coffee table in front of them。 Across the room; the windowpanes were still teary; though most of the rain had dissipated into a low mist。
 'Tell me about Japan;' she said abruptly; bringing her face down until it was level with his。 Her cool eyes regarded him far from impassively。
 'I haven't been back in a very long time;' he said。
 'What's it like?'
 'Different。 Very different。'
 'You mean the language。'
 'Oh; that's part of it; of course。 But it's more basic than that。 You can go to France or Spain; have to deal with other languages。 But after all; the thought processes are not that much different。 Not in Japan。 The Japanese confound most Westerners; frighten them; too; oddly enough。'
 'Not really;' she observed。 'Everyone's frightened of what they don't understand。'
 'And then;' he said; 'there are some who understand right away。 My father was one of those。 He loved the East。'
 'As do you。'
 'Yes;' he said。 'As do I。'
 'What made you e here?'
 He watched her as the darkness came slowly down; as the world outside turned blue; wondering how she could be so insightful in her questions and at the same time so evasive in her answers。 Inside the house; where they sat near the bubbling fish tank; the light was like yellow custard。
 'I no longer wanted to be in Japan;' he said; recognizing in the simple statement both the truth and the utter insufficiency of the words。 But would any words have sufficed? He could not say with any certainty。
 'So you came here and went into advertising。'
 He nodded。 'In effect; yes。'
 'And left your family?'
 'I have no family。' The words came out cold and hard; as individually devastating as bullets; and she recoiled。
 'You make me feel ashamed that I never talk to my sister;' she said; turning her face away from him for a moment as if to demonstrate her embarrassment actively。
 'You must hate her a great deal。'
 She spun her head back。 'That was a cruel thing to say。'
 'It was?' He was genuinely surprised。 'I don't think so。' He looked at her。 'Are you indifferent about her? That would be far worse; I think。'
 'No;' she said。 'No; I'm not indifferent to her。 She's my sister。 I … I don't flunk you could understand;' she finished somewhat lamely and he knew she had meant to say something else; only changing her mind at the last instant。
 'Why won't you talk about your father? You spoke about him before in the past tense。 Is he dead?'
 There was a look in her eyes; a kind of reflective opacity as if she were staring into a fire; as she said; 'Yes。 He's as dead as he could possibly be。' She got off the sofa; went over to the fish tank; peering in with a kind of coiled intensity as if she longed to shrink in size and jump into the salt water; being one with the crowd idling there。 'What difference could it make to you; anyway? I'm not my father's daughter; I don't believe in all that shit。' But her tone said otherwise and Nicholas found himself wondering just what it was her father had done to her that she should despise him so。
 'What about your sister?' he said。 'I'm curious because I was an only child。'
 She turned away from the tank; the water's reflection in the overhead light dappling one side of her face as if she were submerged; some exotic sea creature attracted by the motion of his descent。 He imagined they were at the bottom of the sea; puckered kelp like stately bamboo waving in the deep current's breeze; he imagined they spoke sonically; bone to bone; vibrations batted back and forth like a tennis…ball。
 'Gelda。' Her voice had captured an odd quality that he could not place; 'My older sister。' She sucked in some air。 'You're lucky to be alone; some things shouldn't be shared; some things are better left where they are。'
 'Buried in the sand of the sea floor?' he wondered。 It seemed irrational to blame her for failing to take him into her confidence yet he found himself annoyed by her obdurate reticence。
 Abruptly; he felt a tearing need to share her secrets: her humiliations; her childish maunderings; her hate and love and fear; her shame; the core that made this bolt of silk what it was; as different and fascinatingly imperfect as some strange glowing gem。 Her mystery pulled him onwards and; like a marathon swimmer who has reached his limit and; passing it; finds himself about to go under with the realization that he has attempted to discover and defeat something far too powerful for him; he knew that this same realization was the key to his reaching down to find the unplumbed reserves which would carry him onwards to reach the far shore。
 But for Nicholas it was somewhat different; for part of him; at least; was well aware of those things which lay hidden there within that interminable beach; and he shuddered to face them again; to gaze upon their hideous countenances。 For once before he had e upon them and had almost been destroyed。

 They went out of the house into the summer night。 The clouds had delivered themselves westward and the sky was at last clear。 The stars shone; winking; like ornaments on velvet; making them feel as if the world had wrapped them in a shawl manufactured especially for that occasion。
 They strolled along the beach at the waterline; far out; for it was low tide。 Their feet picked up the damp sea grapes and their soles felt the brief pain of the fiddler crab shells。
 The surf tumbled in low; faintly phosphorescent hillocks that seemed like another world viewed from the wrong end of a telescope。 Near to hand; they were alone on the beach; a point of orange; a smokily glowing coal; bespoke a late barbecue in the lee of a dune far down the night。
 'Are you afraid of me?' His voice was as light as mist。
 'No;' she said。 'I'm not。' She stuffed her hands in the front pockets of her jeans。 'I'm just afraid。 It's been with me for more than a year and a half; this fear like a diamond shadow…image I can't manage to shake。'
 'We're all afraid … of something or other。'
 'Jesus; Nick; don't patronize me。 You've never been afraid like this。'
 'Because I'm a man?'
 'Because you're you。' She stared fixedly away from him; his muscularity。 She rubbed her palms along her bare arms; he thought she shivered。 'Oh; Christ。'
 He bent down; scooped up a sand…encrusted stone。 He wiped it off; feeling its ineffable smoothness against his skin。 Time had taken away all the edges; time had dictated its shape。 Yet the essence of the stone … its mooted colour; striations; imperfections of structure; density and hardness … remained。 Indomitable。
 She took the stone from him and hurled it far out into the water。 It struck the surface of the sea without a splash and sank from sight as if it had never existed; but Nicholas could still feel the weight of it where it had rested in the palm of his hand。
 'It would be so simple;' he said; 'if we could approach people we cared for without any past so we could see them without any coloration。'
 She stood silently regarding him and on
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