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ericlustbader.the ninja-第126章

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 Muscles rippled along their hunched backs; sweat streamed from them。 Saigo gritted his teeth。 Nicholas pressed downwards。 It was as if the sun and the moon; offshoots of a single entity; had entered into conflict。 Was this the awesome force which bound Cain and Abel; decreeing that their hands be raised against each other?
 Now was the time of their desperation。 For ninja they were; of ryu that were sworn enemies when the silent stars in the sky had different positions; when the summers were perhaps hotter; the winters far colder; the continents even showing…the pimply faces of adolescence; such was the nature of endless time into which they had both willingly entered in their youth。
 Nicholas went immediately for the air…sea change; to break the deadlock; but this Saigo had apparently been waiting for; for he countered with shime…waza … the three…finger strangulation … and caught Nicholas off guard。 But the liver…kite; severely foreshortened because of the tight space; broke that。 And all the time; Tom flopped intimately against them; his slowly coagulating blood smearing their faces and wrists。
 Muscles bulged like puffing engines; veins and rolling sweat ribboning their glossy skin。 Their panting breath mingled; magnified in this tiny; overheated space; and their eyes crossed
 to look at each other。 Mere words were; for the moment; beyond them and they hissed their hate at each other in a kind of elemental language that had not been heard since the dawn of man。
 The blade of the tanto was turned away from him and Nicholas used the angle to force Saigo's wrist backwards。 But he was not Kan…aka na ninja; not an adept in koppo。 Saigo; however; was and he knew how to stop this manoeuvre。 He drew his right knee up and; simultaneously; began a movement with his right hand。 Which was the feint? Or were they both?
 In the split second of deciding; Nicholas's grip on Saigo's left wrist loosened and then was dislodged。 The point of the tanto blurred immediately upwards towards Nicholas's face。 He caught the end of the hilt on the outer bone of his wrist; deflecting its flight。
 There was only destruction in their hearts; their minds; cleansing themselves of the years of enmity; poured their power into the emotionalism of the moment; stoked by pumping adrenalin and the hsing…i; the so…called imaginary mental fist: that is; the enormous force of will their disciplines had imbued them with。
 Now Nicholas used the heart…kite to break the deadlock and Saigo; stung and surprised; swung outwards; landing a blow on the side of Nicholas's head。
 Immediately he rolled upwards and out through the rent windshield。 Nicholas followed; leaping from the bonnet of the stalled limo onto the sidewalk。
 He saw Saigo; all in black; standing beyond the bent light…; post。 He had thrown aside his katana's scabbard and he held it now in the first position。 He did not have to call to Nicholas。
 In the periphery of his vision; Nicholas saw a car brake to a halt。 Croaker got out。 Without turning his head; Nicholas called out; 'Leave us alone! See to Tomkin。 He's in the back of the limo。'
 Then he advanced on Saigo。
 When one is ninja; one sees not only with one's eyes。 Haragei allows one to see with the entire body。 Thus it was that as Nicholas moved towards Saigo; it was his eyes which saw the other's one…handed grip; but his body was already reacting。
 Using the iai draw; he lifted the blade of his katana in time
 to deflect the pair of shaken Saigo had flicked at him almost nonchalantly。 They buzzed away like angry bees clattering down the brick steps behind Saigo to the lower plaza of the building。 Beside him a modern sculptured waterfall crashed and splattered downwards to rectangular 'rocks' in a pool on the plaza。
 Their katana clashed together in the Fire and Stones Cut; making them shudder。 Only the superbly forged Japanese weapons could survive such power intact。
 Saigo seemed frantic。 His pupils were so large his eyes seemed all black; so alien that Croaker was transfixed by the hsing…i; which he perceived as an almost physical blow。
 Saigo attacked strongly and swiftly。 His strength was appalling; even to Nicholas。 He felt engulfed in a kind of magnetic storm which; swirling him around; threatened to disorient him pletely。 And he fell back under the onslaught。
 He saw Saigo's lips moving slowly and softly and found himself wondering how high he was; how much of the drug was now coursing through him; and how he could use this to his own advantage。
 He shook his head as a strike almost slipped through。 Abruptly; his arms felt enormously heavy。 His eyelids flickered。 And there was a wolfish grin on Saigo's face。
 Nicholas staggered back; felt running water against the backs of his legs。 He was in the waterfall; a steep drop at his back。 How had he been turned round?
 He felt a sharp pain in his arm; saw Saigo's katana streaked with a line of blood like saliva from a mad dog and he knew what was happening to him。
 It was the Kobudera。 The magic not even the most fanatic of the Kan…aka na ninja would touch。 Except for Saigo。
 Back went Nicholas under the ferocious attack until they were both in the water。 Magic was all around him; turning the night crimson。 He seemed not to be able to feel his legs; he staggered。 His fingers were numb; the grip on his katana faltering。 His breath came in pants。
 And all the while; Saigo came mercilessly on; striking and grinning; his lips invoking the Kobudera。
 Nicholas's foot slipped on a piece of sculpture which he could not feel and he almost went down。 He was immediately slashed again。 Blood sparked the night air。 His blood。 Agony filled him and it seemed as if he could not breathe。 Whatever Fukashigi did during the night; he thought; it is not enough。
 The rushing water drenched him and he shuddered。 And in that great breath; which reached from his throat all the way down to his toes; came a thin stream of crystal clarity; piercing the fog that had shrouded him。
 He thought of Musashi; the Sword Saint; standing in his garden more than three hundred years ago。 'What is the 〃Body of a rock〃?' he was asked。 In answer; Musashi summoned a pupil of his and bid him kill himself by slashing his abdomen with a knife。 Just as the pupil was about to ply; the Master stayed his hand; saying; 'This is the 〃Body of a rock〃。'
 This; then; Nicholas did; reaching down inside himself where something he did not even know existed lay in wait。 He dragged it up with all his strength and; as Musashi wrote; ten thousand things could not touch him; not Saigo's katana; not even the Kobudera。
 In a blur; Nicholas cut from left to right with his katana。 In shock; Saigo lifted up his own blade; his eyes wide and staring。
 Blood spurted; brilliantly red as a cardinal bird's plumage and Saigo's torso arched back; his lips pulled back from his teeth in a rictus。
 Water sloshed and sucked as they both struggled to maintain their balance。 For Saigo; who had been cut through skin and flesh and even sternum; it was a Herculean task。 His katana hung from his nerveless left hand; the fingers twitching relentlessly as they sought to do what their torn nerves no longer would allow them to。 He weaved from side to side like a lush on one last monumental drunk。 He grasped the top of his chest; near his shoulder blade; but Nicholas; using the point of his katana; flicked away the deadly shuriken needles he had clutched。
 Groaning; Saigo held on to the hilt of his katana now; using it like a walking stick to prop himself up。 Without its aid; he would have collapsed like an old man。
 'Kill me now。' His voice was a harsh gurgle over the restless bubbling of the water rushing over the fall。 'But not until I tell you; cousin; what I have waited long years to tell you。' His shoulder twitched。 'e closer。' His voice cracked; dropped abruptly in volume。 'e closer。 We cannot have you savour your triumph; ah no!'
 Nicholas took a step towards him。 His chest and belly were streaked with blood and the iridescent seeping of his organs。 For Nicholas; the pain was a dull throbbing all down his arm where Saigo had slashed him。
 'You should have cut me when you could;' he said。 'Your spirit was not resolved; the
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