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 〃We only waited to say good night;〃 Nefret said; ing to give me a kiss。
 〃I hope the house is satisfactory;〃 I said; addressing Ramses; who had not yet given me his opinion。 〃And that you have everything you need for tonight。〃
 〃So long as there is a bed;〃 said my son; and broke off with a grunt as Nefret elbowed him in the ribs。
 〃I want to leave at daybreak;〃 Emerson said self…consciously。
 〃Yes; sir;〃 said Ramses。
 〃Breakfast here at six;〃 I said。
 〃Yes; Mother;〃 said Nefret。
 Jumana's wide eyes followed them as they went off; arm in arm; their heads close together。 Or was it Ramses she watched with such wistful attention? She was of an age where girls fancy themselves in love with unsuitable persons; and Ramses had every quality she could want in a prospective husband (aside from the inconvenient fact that he was already married)。 If Jamil knew or suspected her attachment it would explain why he had selected Ramses as the object of his ire。
 〃By the by;〃 said I to Emerson; 〃you didn't tell Cyrus about the artifacts I bought in Cairo。 I had expected you would want to show them off。〃
 〃Quite the contrary;〃 said Emerson to me。 〃He'd go haring off to Cairo looking for more of the cursed things。 He should be thinking of his excavations。〃
 He fell silent; concentrating on his pipe。 Now that the moment had e; he was regretting having offered to question Jumana; he was afraid she would cry。 Emerson is a hopeless coward with women。
 He did not know this one。 Before either of us could speak; Jumana sat up straight and raised her chin defiantly。 〃I was very silly;〃 she declared。 〃Jamil can't do anything 。 。 。 can he?〃
 〃No;〃 said Emerson。 〃Except; perhaps; to you。〃
 〃He wouldn't hurt me。〃
 I was pleased to see she had recovered her nerve … timid women are a confounded nuisance … but her confidence was somewhat alarming。
 〃He won't get the chance;〃 I said。 〃Listen to me; Jumana。 You were right to warn Ramses about Jamil; but you are wrong if you believe he is harmless。 I want your word that you will go nowhere alone and that if Jamil attempts to municate with you; you will inform us immediately。〃
 〃What will you do to him if you find him?〃
 For once; Emerson was too quick for me。 〃Lock him up。 You must see that we cannot allow him to hang about threatening people and 。 。 。 Why are you glaring at me; Peabody?〃
 〃I am not glaring; Emerson;〃 I said; forcing my features into a smile。 〃It is just that I believe I can explain our intentions more accurately than you。 Jumana; if Jamil would e to us and express repentance; we will do all we can to help him。〃
 〃You would?〃
 〃Yes;〃 I said firmly。 She still loved the wretched boy and probably believed she could redeem him。 This is a mon delusion of women。
 After all; I had not been specific。 In my opinion the best way to help Jamil would be to put him in a cell … a nice; clean; fortable cell; naturally … and let him consider the advantages of an honest life。
 I had expected Emerson would want to go straight to the site next morning。 I had no objection to his doing so; there was a great deal to do round the house; and Emerson was more of a hindrance than a help; always grumbling and plaining。 However; when we sat down to breakfast I saw that he and Ramses were dressed for rough terrain; in old tweeds and stout boots。 It did not require much thought to deduce where they meant to go。 I ought to have known! My hypocritical husband's lecture to Cyrus had been meant to deter the latter from doing precisely what Emerson intended to do that day。 The southwest wadis are remote and difficult of access。
 I attempted to catch Emerson's eyes but failed; he was looking at the sugar bowl; the coffeepot; the salt cellar … anything but me。 〃Emerson;〃 I said loudly; 〃I trust you had the courtesy to inform Fatima last night that we would want a packed luncheon?〃
 〃Luncheon? We?〃 Emerson's heavy black brows drew together。 〃See here; Peabody …〃
 〃I will tell her now;〃 I said with a sigh。 〃Fortunately she always has a full larder。 Are we taking Selim and Daoud with us?〃
 〃Yes。 No。 Oh; curse it;〃 said Emerson。
 〃What about Jumana?〃 I persisted。
 〃No;〃 said Emerson firmly。
 〃I don't believe we ought to leave her alone。〃
 〃She won't be alone。 There are a dozen people 。 。 。 Damnation。 You don't think she would creep out to meet that young swine? She gave me her word …〃
 〃No; she did not。 I don't trust her out of my sight。 She's been climbing over those hills since she was a child; she can keep up as well as the rest of us。〃
 〃If you are going to make a full…scale expedition of this …〃
 〃You would have gone off without so much as a water bottle;〃 I retorted。 〃I will change my boots and get my parasol; and have a few words with Fatima。〃
 Emerson made one last; and as he ought to have known; futile attempt to head me off。 〃But; Peabody; I thought you meant to spend the day here。 There is a great deal to do; unpacking and …〃
 〃Yes; my dear; there is。 Obviously it will have to wait。 I won't be long。〃
 I had my few words with Fatima and sent one of the maids to tell Jumana she was wanted in the sitting room。 It took me a while to find my boots; which were buried under a heap of Emerson's clothes。 The most important part of my costume was ready at hand。 Though my working attire of trousers and tweed coat is well equipped with pockets; I have never abandoned my invaluable belt of tools。 Over the years I had refined and added to these accoutrements: a pistol and knife; a coil of rope; a small flask of brandy; candles and matches in a waterproof box; and other useful items。 On an expedition such as this; one could not take too many precautions。 I hung a small first…aid kit and a brush from two of the empty hooks; and returned to the breakfast room; where I found that Jumana had joined the others。
 Emerson; who objects to my being hung all round with sharp…edged or blunt objects; gave me a sour look but refrained from ment。 I turned to Nefret。
 〃Are you ing; my dear; or would you prefer to stay here and get your new quarters in order? I purchased goods for draperies … a very pretty blue; shot with silver … but I haven't done anything about servants; since I assumed you would wish to select them yourself。 One of Yusuf's brother's cousins has already e round asking …〃
 〃Yes; Mother; you mentioned that。 I am ing; of course。 Do you suppose I would allow my poor helpless husband to go off without me to protect him?〃
 Jumana gave her a startled look; and Ramses's lips parted in a grin。 He must have told Nefret of the plan the night before。 She certainly had him well in hand … better than I had Emerson!
 Fatima bustled in with two heavily laden baskets; and we went to the stable; where we found Daoud chatting with the stableman and Selim chatting with the horses。 He was a fine rider; and he had been in charge of the splendid Arabians while we were away。 Risha and Asfur had been gifts to Ramses and David from a Bedouin friend。 Their progeny; which included Nefret's mare Moonlight; had increased over the years。
 〃Are we taking the horses?〃 I inquired。 I knew the answer even before Emerson shook his head。 He had told Selim and Daoud to meet him in the stable so I wouldn't see them! Neither appeared surprised to see me; however。 Selim greeted me with a knowing smile。 He and Daoud both carried coils of rope。 I had a feeling we would need ropes before the day was over; if the paths Emerson meant to take were too rough for the horses。
 I have clambered over the Theban mountains many a time; by day and by night。 The exercise is delightful during the time of full moon; when the rugged surface is a symphony of silver and shadow。 The first part of the trek was familiar to me; and not difficult … up the slope behind Deir el Bahri to the top of the plateau and the path that led from the workmen's village to the Valley of the Kings。 How often had I stood there gazing out upon the panorama of temples and villages; desert and sown; with the waters of the Nile sparkling in the sunlight! It was a hallowed spot; for as our dear departed reis Abdullah grew older; I would often pretend fatigue after the climb so that he could stop and catch his breath。 I dreamed of him from time to
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