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 〃Good Gad;〃 said Emerson; his brow furrowing。 〃You don't suppose there is any danger to Sennia; do you?〃
 〃I don't know; Emerson; but I propose to take no chances。 Fatima and Basima must be warned as well。〃
 It was agreed that we would return to the Valley of the Monkeys next day; after stopping at Gurneh to interrogate the family of the missing man and the other thieves。 There was no time for further discussion; Sennia bounced in and took mand of the proceedings。 She directed Ramses to take a seat on the settee so that she could sit beside him。 Horus; who had followed close on her heels; proceeded to spread his considerable bulk across the rest of the space; and Nefret had to find another chair; which she did without resentment。 As she had once said to me; 〃She had planned to marry him herself when she was older。 A less amiable child wouldn't tolerate me at all。〃
 Cyrus and Bertie did not linger long。 Selim soon followed them; his grim expression indicated that he meant to make up for his failure; as he considered it; as soon as possible。
 The sight of Sennia had reminded me that arrangements for her continuing education should not be long delayed。 There was in Luxor an excellent girls' school run by the American mission; but to send her there presented insurmountable difficulties; in the shape of Emerson。 The American ladies were worthy individuals; he did not deny that; however; religious instruction was part of the curriculum; and Emerson does not hold with religion in any form。 At my request he attempted to keep his heretical opinions to himself when Sennia was present; but if Sennia came home quoting the Bible at us; sooner or later Emerson would crack under the strain。
 There was now an additional reason for keeping her closer to home。 Jamil's threat had been directed against Ramses; but who could tell what form his malice would take?
 So I interrupted Miss Sennia in the middle of a long peroration with the announcement that she would begin her schooling next day。 She turned an indignant look on me and tossed her black curls。 〃But; Aunt Amelia; I have a great deal to do!〃
 〃You just now plained that you hadn't enough to do;〃 I retorted。 〃I have it all worked out。 Mrs。 Vandergelt has kindly offered to tutor you in the basic subjects … history (of England; that is); English grammar and position; mathematics; and botany。〃
 〃Flowers?〃 Sennia's pretty little mouth drew up in a good imitation of Emerson's sneer。 〃I don't want to learn about boring flowers; Aunt Amelia; I want to learn about animals and mummies and bones。〃
 〃Biology;〃 I said。 〃Hmmm。 Well; that will have to wait。 Mrs。 Vandergelt prefers not to discuss mummies and bones。〃
 〃What about Aunt Nefret? She knows all about them。〃 She fluttered her long lashes at Nefret; who grinned at this transparent flattery。
 〃I don't know how good a teacher I might be; Sennia; but I could try。 Two or three lessons a week; perhaps。〃
 〃And when shall I take my lessons in hieroglyphs with Ramses?〃 was the next question。 The little witch had the entire curriculum worked out in her head and knew exactly how to get her way。 Emerson cravenly agreed to tutor her in ancient Egyptian history; and having settled the essentials to her satisfaction; Sennia kindly agreed to go to Katherine three days a week for the less important subjects。 She then settled down to make serious inroads on the tea cakes。
 Jumana did not return。 After Fatima announced that dinner was ready; I went looking for the girl。 I found her in her room; her sleek black head bent over a book。
 〃I am glad to see you applying yourself to your studies;〃 I said; for I had observed that the book was the fourth volume of Emerson's History of Egypt。 〃But you must not be late to meals。 Dinner will be served in a few minutes。〃
 Her long lashes veiled her eyes。 〃If you don't mind; I would rather eat with Fatima and the others。〃
 〃I do mind; though;〃 I said pleasantly but firmly。 〃You are a member of our archaeological staff。 Do you wish to resign from that position?〃
 〃No。 It is a privilege; an honor; to work with Ramses and the Father of Curses 。 。 。 and you;〃 she added hastily。
 〃e along; then。〃
 〃Yes; Sitt Hakim。 I will e at once。〃
 Naturally we did not discuss the body at dinner。 Deteriorating corpses are not a suitable subject for conversation at the dinner table in any case; and Jumana's behavior reinforced my doubts about her。 She spoke only when she was spoken to; and she kept her eyes fixed on her plate。 Even if she had not eavesdropped on our discussion … and I wouldn't have put it past her … she was too intelligent to miss the implications of our discovery。 Jamil had more or less admitted to her that he had been involved with the looting of the princesses' tomb; and he had accused the others of cheating him。 I considered asking her directly whether she and Jamil had arranged to meet again; but decided to wait and give her an opportunity to confess。 Assuming; that is; that she had anything to confess。
 And; with any luck; Jamil would do something that would open her eyes … another murder; perhaps; or an attack on one of us。
 The children excused themselves immediately after dinner; and I said I would go with them; since there were a few domestic matters with regard to the new house that I wanted to discuss with them。
 〃You haven't had time to settle in or decide what additional furnishings you need;〃 I pointed out。 〃And if I know Emerson; he won't give you a chance。 If I can help in any way …〃
 〃That is very kind of you; Mother;〃 Nefret said。
 Ramses said; 〃Thank you; Mother。〃
 We went through the house room by room。 I took copious notes and made a few little suggestions。 I had not expected Ramses would be of much assistance; nor was he。
 〃Now then;〃 I said; referring to my list。 〃What about household help? Fatima's girls have been doing the cleaning; but in my opinion it would be advisable for you to select two of them to work for you on a regular basis。 If you prefer to take certain of your meals alone; a cook …〃
 〃We'll worry about a cook later; shall we?〃 Nefret glanced at her husband; who was staring off into space。 〃As for the maids; I will leave that to Fatima。 One of the girls who's been working here asked me yesterday if she could continue doing so; she is very hardworking; if a little shy; so I told her that would be fine。 Her name is Najia。〃
 〃Ah; yes; Mohammed Hammad's niece。 Or is she his stepdaughter? Never mind。 The poor girl is somewhat self…conscious; it is that liver birthmark; I suppose。〃
 〃It won't bother us;〃 Nefret said。
 〃Of course not。 Now; concerning the garden 。 。 。〃
 Finally Nefret said; 〃I think that's everything; Mother。 We will probably have to run up to Cairo to find some things; but I will talk with Abdul Hadi about making a few chairs and tables。 He is the best woodworker in Luxor。〃
 〃And the slowest;〃 I said。
 Nefret smiled。 〃I can hurry him up。〃
 I observed that Ramses was yawning; and took the hint。 He insisted on walking back with me; despite my objections。
 〃Nothing can possibly happen to me between your door and mine;〃 I declared。
 〃Ah; but you don't have your parasol;〃 Ramses said。
 I took Gargery into our confidence next morning at breakfast; while Sennia was dawdling over her preparations for departure。 He and Fatima took it in turn to serve meals; it had been a promise proposed by me; to prevent them from quarreling over which of them had that right。 It was his turn that morning; and he followed my well…organized account with such interest that I was forced several times to remind him to serve the food。 He then straightened to his full height … five feet six inches or thereabouts … and stood at attention。 It would have required more than that to make him appear impressive; his frame was meager; his face lined; and he had taken to bing his hair across his forehead in an unconvincing attempt to conceal a receding hairline。 He looked like a butler; which is what he was; but he possessed a number of qualities that are not often found in persons of that position。 At the moment he was a very happy butler。 As he had once observed to me; 〃If there's got to be a murder; madam; it might as well be us that gets the
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