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 〃We didn't e with them。〃 Albion hopped nimbly over the rope while Emerson; endeavoring to make up for his rudeness to a lady; held it down for Mrs。 Albion。 He got not so much as a murmur of thanks; but the younger Mr。 Albion squared his shoulders and began to apologize。
 〃You are quite right; madam; I of all people ought to have known better than to risk damage to the reliefs。 We were also wrong to ignore the barriers; but; you see; we had heard you were working at Medinet Habu; but when we arrived no one was here; and my father …〃
 〃Hmmm; yes;〃 said Emerson; scowling at the older man。
 We started back toward the gate; with Emerson herding Mr。 and Mrs。 Albion ahead of him; and Nefret acpanying them; in case Emerson started to be rude。 I followed with Jumana and Ramses and Mr。 Sebastian Albion。
 〃I would appreciate the opportunity to examine those reliefs and perhaps take a few photographs;〃 the latter said。 〃If you could spare the time to explain them; it would be a great favor。 At your convenience; of course。〃
 〃We will be working elsewhere for a time;〃 I said。 He had addressed Ramses; not me; but Ramses's mouth was set in that way of his and he was obviously not inclined to be cooperative。 〃How much longer are you planning to remain in Luxor?〃
 〃Indefinitely; Mrs。 Emerson。 I suppose you have heard about the resumption of submarine warfare? In any case; we had planned to spend the entire winter in Egypt。 I am thinking of doing some excavating。〃
 〃You had better stop thinking of it;〃 I said。 〃Unless you can obtain permission from the Service des Antiquités。〃
 〃Is that really necessary? There's hardly anyone working here at present。 The Valley of the Kings; for instance …〃
 〃That is out of the question;〃 I said sharply。 〃Few expeditions are in the field at this time; but most of the sites have been allocated。 Lord Carnarvon holds the firman for the Valley of the Kings; and I assure you that the authorities would e down hard on anyone who began digging there。〃
 Instead of appearing abashed; the young man gave us a supercilious smile。 〃Thank you for the advice。 We will have to see; won't we?〃
 〃I trust we won't see you digging in the Valley;〃 Ramses said。 〃The Service des Antiquités is not the only one who would e down hard on you。〃
 The only response was a shrug。
 〃Goodness; Ramses; but you were brusque with young Mr。 Albion;〃 I remarked; after we had seen the party on its way back to their hotel and had mounted our noble steeds。
 〃Was he? Good;〃 said Emerson。 〃Don't want people of that sort bothering us。〃
 Ramses glanced back at Jumana; who was talking to Nefret。 〃I haven't told you what he said about Jumana the other evening。〃
 He repeated the offensive remark。 Cyrus turned red with indignation and Emerson growled; 〃Damn the young swine! Why didn't you tell me? I would have …〃
 〃So would I; if Nefret hadn't stopped me;〃 Ramses said。 〃I took pains to make the position clear。 There's been no harm done。〃
 〃And there won't be any;〃 Cyrus declared。
 〃Quite right;〃 I said。 〃What did you think of his absurd proposal of excavating in the Valley of the Kings?〃
 〃I was surprised;〃 Ramses admitted。 〃Visitors sometime fall into the error of supposing they can dig wherever they like; but he ought to have known better。 Was he trying to provoke us?〃
 〃You're almost as suspicious…minded as your mother;〃 said Cyrus。
 〃My ma;〃 Ramses corrected。 〃That's how Mr。 Albion referred to her the other evening。 Father; how would you like being addressed as Pa?〃
 〃Not very much;〃 Emerson grunted。
 〃You are taking them too seriously;〃 I insisted。 〃They are rather silly and somewhat annoying; and we will have as little to do with them as possible。 Have you decided what needs to be done here; Emerson?〃
 〃What needs to be done;〃 said Emerson grumpily; 〃is lock the whole place up and shoot any damned tourist who tries to get in。 Yes; yes; Peabody; I know; it is an impractical suggestion。 You made plans of the brickwork you found west of the chapel; Vandergelt? The men had better cover it up again; otherwise the bloody tourists will climb all over it and destroy what little is left。〃
 〃What about repairing the floor?〃 Cyrus asked。 He was not anxious to waste time on that chore; but he was a conscientious individual。
 〃Leave it;〃 Emerson said。 〃One of the damned tourists may fall in。〃
 We started back toward the donkey park; where we had left the horses。 Still chuckling over Emerson's humorous remark … I think it was supposed to be humorous … Cyrus remarked; 〃Bertie was in a pretty glum state of mind this morning。 Hates being laid up。 Is there any reason why he can't e out with us tomorrow?〃
 〃Why not?〃 Emerson replied。 〃We can use another pair of hands; if only for keeping field notes。〃
 〃I suppose we could arrange a chair and footstool;〃 I mused。 〃But in my opinion; Bertie ought to stay at home for a few more days。〃
 〃He won't stand for it;〃 Ramses said。 〃I know Katherine; she'll drive him wild; and then he'll run off and do something foolish。〃
 〃You are speaking from personal experience; are you?〃 I inquired; smiling to indicate that it was just one of my little jokes。
 I got an answering smile; and a quick kiss on the cheek。 〃Not at all; Mother。 Will you excuse Nefret and me if we go on ahead?〃
 Risha was aching to run; and so was Moonlight; the slow pace of Cyrus's amiable mare was irksome for steeds of such mettle。 So I nodded; and the two young people went off at a brisk trot。
 〃They sure are a fine…looking young pair;〃 Cyrus said admiringly。 Nefret had taken the remaining pins from her hair; it streamed out like a bright banner as Risha broke into a run and Moonlight; not to be outdone; stretched out to match his pace。 〃I'm not as jealous as I used to be; though;〃 he went on。 〃Bertie is like a son to me。 I'm gonna make him my heir; Amelia。 After Cat; of course。〃
 〃Excellent; Cyrus;〃 I said approvingly。 〃He has earned your approbation。 I wouldn't mention it to anyone else; though; or the lad will be courted by every female fortune…hunter in Egypt。 And if he knows of it; he will suspect the motives of every young lady who indicates interest。〃
 〃That's good advice; I reckon;〃 Cyrus agreed。
 Emerson's glazed stare indicated that he had stopped listening。 He considers me far too prone to offer advice; and talk of courting bores him。 〃A stick;〃 he said suddenly。 〃Get the boy a good stout stick; let him do whatever he likes。〃
 〃Don't be ridiculous; Emerson;〃 I said。
 At Cyrus's suggestion we dined informally at the Castle。 Bertie was pleased to see us; and even more pleased when he was offered the chance to return to work。 I examined his ankle; it was better; the swelling had gone down and there was only a little bruising。 Everyone attributed this to Kadija's miraculous ointment; and such may well have been the case; though I had begun to wonder whether its greatest effectiveness came from the mind of the patient。
 After dinner the young man hobbled off to the library with the others。 I remained with Katherine to offer additional reassurances。
 〃I have set up a nice little shelter where Bertie will be perfectly fortable; and if it proves necessary for him to work elsewhere on the site; we will make certain he does not exert himself。 Jumana has taken it upon herself to look after him。〃
 This last was not; perhaps; what Katherine wanted to hear。 In my opinion her worries about a serious attachment were groundless as well as prejudiced。 Bertie had not got over his interest in the girl; but she had given no evidence of reciprocating; she treated him rather like a slow…witted child。 I gave Katherine a little lecture on the subject; adding; 〃After all; Katherine; there is nothing so destructive of romance than continued proximity。〃
 Katherine pursed up her mouth。 〃It didn't work that way for Ramses and Nefret。〃
 〃That is a special case。 Mark my words; working together will soon make Bertie and Jumana detest one another。〃
 I had exaggerated a trifle; but over the next few days Bertie showed increasing evidence of impatience with Jumana。 Being a man; he wanted to impress her with his strength and professional skill; being Jumana; she took advantage of his enforced helplessness 
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