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s; houses and villages and ruins … almost two miles long from Medinet Habu to the slopes of Drah abu'l Naga on the north。 The sun was low over the western cliffs。
 〃Wait;〃 Ramses called。 Selim stopped; and the others came up to him。
 〃What can we do?〃 the reis asked; for the hopelessness of pursuit was evident to him as well。 〃It was hours ago that they were here。 Even if one saw them …〃
 〃He wouldn't be here either;〃 Ramses cut in。 〃Or remember them。 Father and his damned disguises!〃
 〃The Father of Curses;〃 said Daoud; his calm unshaken; 〃cannot be mistaken for any other man。〃
 〃That's true;〃 Nefret agreed。 〃Not to mention Mother trotting along holding up the skirts of somebody else's galabeeyah。 Ramses … Selim … let's just keep calm; shall we? We will spread the word; asking anyone who may have seen them to report to us; but that may take a while。 Perhaps we can deduce where they might have gone。〃 She turned to Jumana。 〃You know whom they were following; don't you?〃
 The girl's eyes fell。 〃Jamil?〃
 〃It couldn't have been anyone else;〃 Nefret said。 〃He's taller than you; but otherwise the resemblance between you is strong。 Somehow he got hold of clothes like yours。 He must have sent the message。 I don't believe your father knew anything about it。〃
 If it was meant as consolation; Jumana remained indifferent。 〃Why?〃 she demanded。 〃Why would Jamil do this?〃
 〃Not to lead them to his tomb;〃 Ramses said。 He was too worried now to be considerate of her feelings。 〃Face the facts; Jumana。 He meant to do them harm … and he must have succeeded; God knows how; or they would have been back before this。 Can you think of anything … anything at all … that might help us to find them?〃
 〃How could Jamil harm the Father of Curses?〃 She flinched back from Ramses and her eyes filled with tears。 〃No … wait … don't be angry。 I am trying to think; trying to help。 And I think there are only a few things he could do。 He is not very strong; Jamil; or very brave; the Father of Curses could break him in two with one hand; and the Sitt Hakim is as fierce as a man。 He would lead them to some place where he can play a dangerous trick on them with no danger to himself。〃
 The sun was sinking。 It would be dark in a few hours。 〃This isn't getting us anywhere;〃 Ramses said; trying to keep his voice level。 〃There are too many places like that。 If he's got in the habit of pushing people off cliffs; as Mother put it 。 。 。〃
 〃Can you visualize Jamil pushing Father?〃 Nefret demanded。 〃He'd have to back off twenty feet and run at Father … and then have another go at Mother; who would be peppering him with bullets while he ran。〃
 Jumana gave her a look of surprise and reproach; but Ramses knew his wife's lighthearted ment was a valiant attempt to keep their spirits up and reassure them。 It did help to relieve Ramses's anxiety a bit; the scene she had described was so ludicrous it brought a halfhearted smile to his face。
 〃You're right; though; Jumana;〃 she went on。 〃He'd want some place away from people。 Not toward the cultivation; but back that way; along the base of the cliffs。 A place he could trick them into entering without exposing himself。〃
 〃But then;〃 said Daoud; 〃they would e out again。 How could he prevent them? Unless 。 。 。〃
 Quick wits were not Daoud's most notable characteristic; but every now and then he confounded them all by reaching a conclusion that had escaped everyone else。 They waited for him to continue。
 〃Unless it was a very narrow space;〃 Daoud went on; his brow wrinkling。 〃With no other way out。 Then; when they tried to e out; crawling or bent over; he could prevent them … standing to one side with a long heavy stick。 If he was quick and lucky; one blow might be enough。〃
 The simple words had created a vivid and very ugly picture。 〃You're talking about a tomb;〃 Ramses said slowly。 〃Or a cave。 Surely they wouldn't be stupid enough to enter an obvious trap … not both of them 。 。 。〃 He caught Nefret's eye and threw up his hands。 〃Hell and damnation! They would; wouldn't they? Especially Mother。 Daoud; you reason well; but there are hundreds of such places in the cliffs。 We wouldn't know where to start looking。 I'm going back and talk to Yusuf。 There's an outside chance …〃
 〃Wait … wait!〃 Jumana was bouncing on her toes; her face flushed with excitement。 〃I have remembered something … something Jamil said when we first met at Luxor。 He was talking about the tomb of the princesses and how he had been cheated; and then he talked very fast and very angrily; saying that he had discovered two rich treasures and had nothing to show because everyone had cheated him of what was rightfully his; and …〃
 She paused to draw a long breath。 Ramses was about to express his impatience with her dramatic; long…drawn…out narrative when Nefret said softly; 〃Let her tell it her way。〃
 〃I am trying to remember exactly what he said;〃 Jumana explained。 She hadn't missed Ramses's signs of impatience either。 〃These are the words; the exact words。 'They took it; the Inglizi; but I have taken it back; the dwelling place of a god is not too good for me; and they will never find me there; and someday 。 。 。 ' It was then he threatened to kill you; Ramses; and I forgot what he said before because it made no sense and I was very worried and …〃
 〃Ah; yes。〃 Daoud nodded。 So far as he was concerned; the matter was settled。 〃The shrine of Amon…Re。 I should have thought of it。〃
 〃The place certainly fits your specifications;〃 Ramses said。 He was afraid to let his hopes rise。 〃I suppose it can't do any harm to have a look。〃
 〃Shall we go back for the horses?〃 Nefret asked。
 〃They went on foot;〃 Ramses said。 〃We may find some trace of them along the way。〃
 They took the most direct path; straight toward the western cliffs; over rising rocky ground interrupted by occasional outcroppings。 Remembering the shrine chamber they had cleared the previous year; Ramses had to admit it would make an ideal spot for an ambush; assuming Jamil could trick them into entering the place。 It might not have been difficult。 They had thought they were following Jumana; and if they had believed Jamil was inside the man…made cavern; Emerson would not have hesitated to go down after him。 And his mother would have followed; of course … 〃to protect him!〃 If they had found the place empty they would have returned to the shaft; which was perpendicular and not very deep。 If he was standing on the bottom; Emerson's head would be less than two feet below the surface。 The picture that formed in Ramses's mind was even uglier than the first: a long; heavy club crashing down on his father's bare head。
 Their precipitate pace aroused the curiosity of the people they encountered。 Several of them followed along; in case something of interest might occur。 Questions assailed them。 〃Had something happened? Where were they going?〃 Ramses didn't answer; he wanted to swat at them; as he would have swatted flies。 Receiving no replies; one of them suggested; 〃Are you looking for the Father of Curses; then? He was …〃
 The word ended in a gurgle as Selim spun round and caught him by the throat。 〃You saw him? When? Why didn't you say so?〃
 Plucking at his fingers; the luckless man gasped; 〃You did not ask; Selim。〃
 Selim loosened his grip and Ramses apologized in the usual way。 Clutching a handful of coins and swelling with pride at being the center of attention; their informant explained that he had seen the Father of Curses and the Sitt Hakim early that morning; when he was on his way to work。 They had been wearing Egyptian dress; but; the fellow added; the Father of Curses could not be mistaken for any other man。 He had been tempted to follow; but he was late for his work and they were going too fast。 Yes; that way; toward Deir el Bahri。
 He and several of the other men trailed along; speculating and discussing the matter。 The sun was low and the shallow; well…remembered bay was deep in shadow。 Ramses thought he saw a darker shadow; slim and supple as a snake; move rapidly along the broken ground to the south。 He might have imagined it; and just then it was the least of his concerns。
 One look into the shaft told him they had e to the right place。 It was four feet deep in r
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