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       Cautiously Rand looked behind him。 The hillside was there as it had been; the shadowed trees; the lakes beyond sinking into darkness。 He was afraid to step back; afraid they would all disappear again and perhaps this time he would not be able to find them。 Edging carefully around him; Perrin let out a long breath。
       Moiraine noticed the three of them standing there; gaping。 Perrin looked abashed; and slipped his axe back into the heavy belt loop as if he thought no one might notice。 A smile touched her lips。 〃It is a simple thing;〃 she said; 〃a bending; so any eye looking at us sees around us; instead。 We cannot have the eyes that will be out there seeing our lights tonight; and the Blight is no place to be in the dark。〃
       〃Moiraine Sedai says I might be able to do it。〃 Egwene's eyes were bright。 〃She says I can handle enough of the One Power right now。〃
       〃Not without training; child;〃 Moiraine cautioned。 〃The simplest matter concerning the One Power can be dangerous to the untrained; and to those around them。〃 Perrin snorted; and Egwene looked so unfortable that Rand wondered if she had already been trying her abilities。
       Nynaeve set down the lantern。 Together with the tiny flame of the stove; the pair of lanterns gave a generous light。 〃When you go to Tar Valon; Egwene;〃 she said carefully; 〃perhaps I'll go with you。〃 The look she gave Moiraine was strangely defensive。 〃It will do her good to see a familiar face among strangers。 She'll need someone to advise her besides Aes Sedai。〃
       〃Perhaps that would be for the best; Wisdom;〃 Moiraine said simply。
       Egwene laughed and clapped her hands。 〃Oh; that will be wonderful。 And you; Rand。 You'll e; too; won't you?〃 He paused in the act of sitting across the stove from her; then slowly lowered himself。 He thought her eyes had never been bigger; or brighter; or more like pools that he could lose himself in。 Spots of color appeared in her cheeks; and she gave a smaller laugh。 〃Perrin; Mat; you two will e; won't you? We'll all be together。〃 Mat gave a grunt that could have signified anything; and Perrin only shrugged; but she took it for assent。 〃You see; Rand。 We'll all be together。 〃
       Light; but a man could drown in those eyes and be happy doing it。 Embarrassed; he cleared his throat。 〃Do they have sheep in Tar Valon? That's all I know; herding sheep and growing tabac。〃
       〃I believe;〃 Moiraine said; 〃that I can find something for you to do in Tar Valon。 For all of you。 Not herding sheep; perhaps; but something you will find interesting。〃
       〃There;〃 Egwene said as if it were settled。 〃I know。 I will make you my Warder; when I'm an Aes Sedai。 You would like being a Warder; wouldn't you? My Warder?〃 
       She sounded sure; but he saw the question in her eyes。 She wanted an answer; needed it。
       〃I'd like being your Warder;〃 he said。 She's not for you; nor you for her。 Why did Min have to tell me that?
       Darkness came down heavily; and everyone was tired。 Loial was the first to roll over and ready himself for sleep; but others followed soon after。 No one used their blankets; except for a pillow。 Moiraine had put something in the oil of the lamps that dispelled the stench of the Blight from the hilltop; but nothing diminished the heat。 The moon gave a wavering; watery light; but the sun might have been at its zenith for all the cool the night had。
       Rand found sleep impossible; even with the Aes Sedai stretched out not a span away to shield his dreams。 It was the thick air that kept him awake。 Loial's soft snores were a rumble that made Perrin's seem nonexistent; but they did not stop weariness from claiming the others。 The Warder was still awake; seated not far from him with his sword across his knees; watching the night。 To Rand's surprise; so was Nynaeve。
       The Wisdom looked at Lan silently for a long time; then poured a cup of tea and brought it to him。 When he reached out with a murmur of thanks; she did not let go right away。 〃I should have known you would be a king;〃 she said quietly。 Her eyes were steady on the Warder's face; but her voice trembled slightly。
       Lan looked back at her just as intently。 It seemed to Rand that the Warder's face actually softened。 〃I am not a king; Nynaeve。 Just a man。 A man without as much to his name as even the meanest farmer's croft。〃
       Nynaeve's voice steadied。 〃Some women don't ask for land; or gold。 Just the man。〃
       〃And the man who would ask her to accept so little would not be worthy of her。 You are a remarkable woman; as beautiful as the sunrise; as fierce as a warrior。 You are a lioness; Wisdom。〃
       〃A Wisdom seldom weds。〃 She paused to take a deep breath; as if steeling herself。 〃But if I go to Tar Valon; it may be that I will be something other than a Wisdom。〃
       〃Aes Sedai marry as seldom as Wisdoms。 Few men can live with so much power in a wife; dimming them by her radiance whether she wishes to or not。〃
       〃Some men are strong enough。 I know one such。〃 If there could have been any doubt; her look left none as to whom she meant。
       〃All I have is a sword; and a war I cannot win; but can never stop fighting。 〃
       〃I've told you I care nothing for that。 Light; you've made me say more than is proper already。 Will you shame me to the point of asking you?〃
       〃I will never shame you。〃 The gentle tone; like a caress; sounded odd to Rand's ears in the Warder's voice; but it made Nynaeve's eyes brighten。 〃I will hate the man you choose because he is not me; and love him if he makes you smile。 No woman deserves the sure knowledge of widow's black as her brideprice; you least of all。〃 He set the untouched cup on the ground and rose。 〃I must check the horses。〃
       Nynaeve remained there; kneeling; after he had gone。
       Sleep or no; Rand closed his eyes。 He did not think the Wisdom would like it if he watched her cry。

Chapter 49
The Dark One Stirs
       Dawn woke Rand with a start; the sullen sun pricking his eyelids as it peeked reluctantly over the treetops of the Blight。 Even so early; heat covered the spoiled lands in a heavy blanket。 He lay on his back with his head pillowed on his blanketroll; staring at the sky。 It was still blue; the sky。 Even here; that; at least; was untouched。
       He was surprised to realize that he had slept。 For a minute the dim memory of a conversation overheard seemed like part of some dream。 Then he saw Nynaeve's red…rimmed eyes; she had not slept; obviously。 Lan's face was harder than ever; as if he had resumed a mask and did not intend to let it slip again。
       Egwene went over and crouched beside the Wisdom; her face concerned。 He could not make out what they said。 Egwene spoke; and Nynaeve shook her head。 Egwene said something else; and the Wisdom waved her away dismissively。 Instead of going; Egwene bent her head closer; and for a few minutes the two women talked even more softly; with Nynaeve still shaking her head。 The Wisdom ended it with a laugh; hugging Egwene and; by her expression; making soothing talk。 When Egwene stood; though; she glared at the Warder。 Lan did not seem to notice; he did not look in Nynaeve's direction at all。
       Shaking his head; Rand gathered his things; and gave his hands and face and teeth a hasty wash with the little water Lan allowed for such things。 He wondered if women had a way of reading men's minds。 It was an unsettling thought。 All women are Aes Sedai。 Telling himself he was letting the Blight get to him; he rinsed out his mouth and hurried to get the bay saddled。
       It was more than a little disconcerting; having the campsite disappear before he reached the horses; but by the time his saddle girth was tight everything on the hill winked back into view。 Everyone was hurrying。
       The seven towers stood plain in the morning light; distant broken stumps; like huge; rough hills that merely hinted at grandeur gone。 The hundred lakes were a smooth; unruffled blue。 Nothing broke the surface this morning。 When he looked at the lakes and the ruined towers; he could almost ignore the sickly things growing around the hill。 Lan did not seem to be avoiding looking at the towers; any more than he seemed to be avoiding N
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