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just…victorious army。
       〃Now they ran like beasts before a wildfire in the forest; with no thought for anything but escape。 North and south they fled。 Thousands drowned attempting to cross the Tarendrelle without the aid of the Dreadlords; and at the Manetherendrelle they tore down the bridges in their fright at what might be following them。 Where they found people; they slew and burned; but to flee was the need that gripped them。 Until; at last; no one of them remained in the lands of Manetheren。 They were dispersed like dust before the whirlwind。 The final vengeance came more slowly; but it came; when they were hunted down by other peoples; by other armies in other lands。 None was left alive of those who did murder at Aemon's Field。
       〃But the price was high for Manetheren。 Eldrene had drawn to herself more of the One Power than any human could ever hope to wield unaided。 As the enemy generals died; so did she die; and the fires that consumed her consumed the empty city of Manetheren; even the stones of it; down to the living rock of the mountains。 Yet the people had been saved。〃
       〃Nothing was left of their farms; their villages; or their great city。 Some would say there was nothing left for them; nothing but to flee to other lands; where they could begin anew。 They did not say so。 They had paid such a price in blood and hope for their land as had never been paid before; and now they were bound to that soil by ties stronger than steel。 Other wars would wrack them in years to e; until at last their corner of the world was forgotten and at last they had forgotten wars and the ways of war。 Never again did Manetheren rise。 Its soaring spires and splashing fountains became as a dream that slowly faded from the minds of its people。 But they; and their children; and their children's children; held the land that was theirs。 They held it when the long centuries had washed the why of it from their memories。 They held it until; today; there is you。 Weep for Manetheren。 Weep for what is lost forever。〃
       The fires on Moiraine's staff winked out; and she lowered it to her side as if it weighed a hundred pounds。 For a long moment the moan of the wind was the only sound。 Then Paet al'Caar shouldered past the Coplins。
       〃I don't know about your story;〃 the long…jawed farmer said。 〃I'm no thorn to the Dark One's foot; nor ever likely to be; neither。 But my Wil is walking because of you; and for that I am ashamed to be here。 I don't know if you can forgive me; but whether you will or no; I'll be going。 And for me; you can stay in Emond's Field as long as you like。〃
       With a quick duck of his head; almost a bow; he pushed back through the crowd。 Others began to mutter then; offering shamefaced penirence before they; too; slipped away one by one。 The Coplins; sour…mouthed and scowling once more; looked at the faces around them and vanished into the night without a word。 Bili Congar had disappeared even before his cousins。
       Lan pulled Rand back and shut the door。 〃Let's go; boy。〃 The Warder started for the back of the inn。 〃e along; both of you。 Quickly!〃
       Rand hesitated; exchanging a wondering glance with Mat。 While Moiraine had been telling the story; Master al'Vere's Dhurrans could not have dragged him away; but now something else held his feet。 This was the real beginning; leaving the inn and following the Warder into the night。 He shook himself; and tried to firm his resolve。 He had no choice but to go; but he would e back to Emond's Field; however far or long this journey was。
       〃What are you waiting for?〃 Lan asked from the door that led out of the back of the mon room。 With a start Mat hurried to him。
       Trying to convince himself that he was beginning a grand adventure; Rand followed them through the darkened kitchen out into the stableyard。

Chapter 10
       A single lantern; its shutters half closed; hung from a nail on a stall post; casting a dim light。 Deep shadows swallowed most of the stalls。 As Rand came through the doors from the stableyard; hard on the heels of Mat and the Warder; Perrin leaped up in a rustle of straw from where he had been sitting with his back against a stall door。 A heavy cloak swathed him。
       Lan barely paused to demand; 〃Did you look the way I told you; blacksmith?〃
       〃I looked;〃 Perrin replied。 〃There's nobody here but us。 Why would anybody hide … 〃
       〃Care and a long life go together; blacksmith。〃 The Warder ran a quick eye around the shadowed stable and the deeper shadows of the hayloft above; then shook his head。 〃No time;〃 he muttered; half to himself。 〃Hurry; she says。〃
       As if to suit his words; he strode quickly to where the five horses stood tethered; bridled and saddled at the back of the pool of light。 Two were the black stallion and white mare that Rand had seen before。 The others; if not quite so tall or so sleek; certainly appeared to be among the best the Two Rivers had to offer。 With hasty care Lan began examining cinches and girth straps; and the leather ties that held saddlebags; water…skins; and blanket…rolls behind the saddles。
       Rand exchanged shaky smiles with his friends; trying hard to look as if he really was eager to be off。
       For the first time Mat noticed the sword at Rand's waist; and pointed to it。 〃You being a Warder?〃 He laughed; then swallowed it with a quick glance at Lan。 The Warder apparently took no notice。 〃Or at least a merchant's guard;〃 Mat went on with a grin that seemed only a little forced。 He hefted his bow。 〃An honest man's weapon isn't good enough for him。〃
       Rand thought about flourishing the sword; but Lan being there stopped him。 The Warder was not even looking in his direction; but he was sure the man was aware of everything that went on around him。 Instead he said with exaggerated casualness; 〃It might be useful;〃 as if wearing a sword were nothing out of the ordinary。
       Perrin moved; trying to hide something under his cloak。 Rand glimpsed a wide leather belt encircling the apprentice blacksmith's waist; with the handle of an axe thrust through a loop on the belt。
       〃What do you have there?〃 he asked。
       〃Merchant's guard; indeed;〃 Mat hooted。
       The shaggy…haired youth gave Mat a frown that suggested he had already had more than his fair share of joking; then sighed heavily and tossed back his cloak to uncover the axe。 It was no rnon woodsman's tool。 A broad half…moon blade on one side of the head and a curved spike on the other made it every bit as strange for the Two Rivers as Rand's sword。 Perrin's hand rested on it with a sense of familiarity; though。
       〃Master Luhhan made it about two years ago; for a wool…buyer's guard。 But when it was done the fellow wouldn't pay what he had agreed; and Master Luhhan would not take less。 He gave it to me when〃 … he cleared his throat; then shot Rand the same warning frown he'd given Mat …〃when he found me practicing with it。 He said I might as well have it since he couldn't make anything useful from it。〃
       〃Practicing;〃 Mat snickered; but held up his hands soothingly when Perrin raised his head。 〃As you say。 It's just as well one of us knows how to use a real weapon〃
       〃That bow is a real weapon;〃 Lan said suddenly。 He dropped an arm across the saddle of his tall black and regarded hem gravely。 〃So are the slings I've seen you village boys with。 Just because you never used them for anything but hunting rabbits or chasing a wolf away from the sheep makes no difference。 Anything can be a weapon; if the man or woman who holds it has the nerve and will to make it so。 Trollocs aside; you had better have that clear in your minds before we leave the Two Rivers; before we leave Emond's Field; if you want to reach Tar Valon alive。〃
       His face and voice; cold as death and hard as a rough…hewn gravestone; stifled their smiles and their tongues。 Perrin grimaced and pulled his cloak back over the axe。 Mat stared at his feet and stirred the straw on the stable floor with his toe。 The Warder grunted and went back to his checking; and the silence lengthened。
       〃It isn't much like the stories;〃 Mat said; finally。
       〃I don't know;〃 Perrin said sourly。 〃Trollocs; 
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