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 lines about pletely。 She was still laughing; and she gave him another wink。
       The scar…faced man was scowling at him。 His step faltered and his cheeks grew hot。 He had not meant to embarrass the fellow; he really did not think he had stared。 He turned to meet his next partner and forgot all about the man。 The next woman to dance into his arms was Nynaeve。
       He stumbled through the steps; almost tripping over his own feet; nearly stepping on hers。 She danced gracefully enough to make up for his clumsiness; smiling the while。
       〃I thought you were a better dancer;〃 she laughed as they changed partners。
       He had only a moment to gather himself before they changed again; and he found himself dancing with Moiraine。 If he had thought he was stumble…footed with the Wisdom; it was nothing to how he felt with the Aes Sedai。 She glided across the floor smoothly; her gown swirling about her; he almost fell twice。 She gave him a sympathetic smile; which made it worse rather than helping。 It was a relief to go to his next partner in the pattern; even if it was Egwene。
       He regained some of his poise。 After all; he had danced with her for years。 Her hair still hung unbraided; but she had gathered it back with a red ribbon。 Probably couldn't decide whether to please Moiraine or Nynaeve; he thought sourly。 Her lips were parted; and she looked as if she wanted to say something; but she never spoke; and he was not about to speak first。 Not after the way she had cut off his earlier attempt in the private dining room。 They stared at one another soberly and danced apart without a word。
       He was glad enough to return to the bench when the reel was done。 The music for another dance; a jig; began while he was sitting down。 Mat hurried to join in; and Perrin slid onto the bench as he was leaving。
       〃Did you see her?〃 Perrin began before he was even seated。 〃Did you?〃
       〃Which one?〃 Rand asked。 〃The Wisdom; or Mistress Alys? I danced with both of them。〃
       〃The Ae 。。。 Mistress Alys; too?〃 Perrin exclaimed。 〃I danced with Nynaeve。 I didn't even know she danced。 She never does at any of the dances back home。〃
       〃I wonder;〃 Rand said thoughtfully; 〃what the Women's Circle would say about the Wisdom dancing? Maybe that's why。〃
       Then the music and the clapping and the singing were too loud for any further talk。 Rand and Perrin joined in the clapping as the dancers circled the floor。 Several times he became aware of the scar…faced man staring at him。 The man had a right to be touchy; with that scar; but Rand did not see anything he could do now that would not make matters worse。 He concentrated on the music and avoided looking at the fellow。
       The dancing and singing went on into the night。 The maids finally did remember their duties; Rand was glad to wolf down some hot stew and bread。 Everyone ate where they sat or stood。 Rand joined in three more dances; and he managed his steps better when he found himself dancing with Nynaeve again; and with Moiraine; as well。 This time they both plimented him on his dancing; which made him stammer。 He danced with Egwene again; too; she stared at him; dark…eyed and always seeming on the point of speaking; but never saying a word。 He was just as silent as she; but he was sure he did not scowl at her; no matter what Mat said when he returned to the bench。
       Toward midnight Moiraine left。 Egwene; after one harried look from the Aes Sedai to Nynaeve; hurried after her。 The Wisdom watched them with an unreadable expression; then deliberately joined in another dance before she left; too; with a look as if she had gained a point on the Aes Sedai。
       Soon Thom was putting his flute into its case and arguing good…naturedly with those who wanted him to stay longer。 Lan came by to gather up Rand and the others。
       〃We have to make an early start;〃 the Warder said; leaning close to be heard over the noise; 〃and we will need all the rest we can get。〃
       〃There's a fellow been staring at me;〃 Mat said。 〃 A man with a scar across his face。 You don't think he could be a 。。。 one of the friends you warned us about?〃
       〃Like this?〃 Rand said; drawing a finger across his nose to the corner of his mouth。 〃He stared at me; too。〃 He looked around the room。 People were drifting away; and most of those still left clustered around Thom。 〃He's not here; now。〃
       〃I saw the man;〃 Lan said。 〃According to Master Fitch; he's a spy for the Whitecloaks。 He's no worry to us。〃 Maybe he was not; but Rand could see something was bothering the Warder。
       Rand glanced at Mat; who had the stiff expression on his face that always meant he was hiding something。 A Whitecloak spy。 Could Bornhald want to get back at us that much? 〃We're leaving early?〃 he said。 〃Really early?〃 Maybe they could be gone before anything came of it。
       〃At first light;〃 the Warder replied。
       As they left the mon room; Mat singing snatches of song under his breath; and Perrin stopping now and again to try out a new step he had learned; Thom joined them in high spirits。 Lan's face was expressionless as they headed for the stairs。
       〃Where is Nynaeve sleeping?〃 Mat asked。 〃Master Fitch said we got the last rooms。〃
       〃She has a bed;〃 Thom said dryly; 〃in with Mistress Alys and the girl。〃
       Perrin whistled between his teeth; and Mat muttered; 〃Blood and ashes! I wouldn't be in Egwene's shoes for all the gold in Caemlyn!〃
       Not for the first time; Rand wished Mat could think seriously about something for more than two minutes。 Their own shoes were not very fortable right then。 〃I'm going to get some milk;〃 he said。 Maybe it would help him sleep。 Maybe I won't dream tonight。
       Lan looked at him sharply。 〃There's something wrong tonight。 Don't wander far。 And remember; we leave whether you are awake enough to sit your saddle or have to be tied on。〃
       The Warder started up the stairs; the others followed him; their jollity subdued。 Rand stood in the hall alone。 After having so many people around; it was lonely indeed。
       He hurried to the kitchen; where a scullery maid was still on duty。 She poured a mug of milk from a big stone crock for him。
       As he came out of the kitchen; drinking; a shape in dull black started toward him down the length of the hall; raising pale hands to toss back the dark cowl that had hidden the face beneath。 The cloak hung motionless as the figure moved; and the face 。。。 A man's face; but pasty white; like a slug under a rock; and eyeless。 From oily black hair to puffy cheeks was as smooth as an eggshell。 Rand choked; spraying milk。
       〃You are one of them; boy;〃 the Fade said; a hoarse whisper like a file softly drawn across bone。
       Dropping the mug; Rand backed away。 He wanted to run; but it was all he could do to make his feet take one halting step at a time。 He could not break free of that eyeless face; his gaze was held; and his stomach curdled。 He tried to shout for help; to scream; his throat was like stone。 Every ragged breath hurt。
       The Fade glided closer; in no hurry。 Its strides had a sinuous; deadly grace; like a viper; the resemblance emphasized by the overlapping black plates of armor down its chest。 Thin; bloodless lips curved in a cruel smile; made more mocking by the smooth; pale skin where exes should have been。 The voice made Bornhald's seem warm and soft。 〃Where are the others? I know they are here。 Speak; boy; and I will let you live。〃
       Rand's back struck wood; a wall or a door … he could not make himself look around to see which。 Now that his feet had stopped; he could not make them start again。 He shivered; watching the Myrddraal slither nearer。 His shaking grew harder with every slow stride。
       〃Speak; I say; or …〃
       From above came a quick clatter of boots; from the stairs up the hall; and the Myrddraal cut off; whirling。 The cloak hung still。 For an instant the Fade's head tilted; as if that eyeless gaze could pierce the wooden wall。 A sword appeared in a dead…white hand; blade as black as the cloak。 The light in the hall seemed to grow dimmer in the presence of that blade。 The pounding of boots grew louder; and the Fade spun back to Rand; an almost bo
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