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       From time to time Lan had them dismount atop one of the hills; where he could get a good view of the road both ahead and behind; and the surrounding countryside as well。 The Warder would study the view while the others stretched their legs; or sat under the trees and ate。
       〃I used to like cheese;〃 Egwene said on the third day after leaving Baerlon。 She sat with her back to the bole of a tree; grimacing over a dinner that was once again the same as breakfast; as supper would be。 〃Not a chance of tea。 Nice hot tea。〃 She pulled her cloak tighter and shifted around the tree in a vain effort to avoid the swirling wind。
       〃Flatwort tea and andilay root;〃 Nynaeve was saying to Moiraine; 〃are best for fatigue。 They clear the head and dint the burn in tired muscles。〃
       〃I am sure they do;〃 the Aes Sedai murmured; giving Nynaeve a sidelong glance。
       Nynaeve's jaw tightened; but she continued in the same tone。 〃Now; if you must go without sleep 。。。〃
       〃No tea!〃 Lan said sharply to Egwene。 〃No fire! We can't see them yet; but they are back there; somewhere; a Fade or two and their Trollocs; and they know we are taking this road。 No need to tell them exactly where we are。〃
       〃I wasn't asking;〃 Egwene muttered into her cloak。 〃Just regretting。 〃
       〃If they know we're on the road;〃 Perrin asked; 〃why don't we go straight across to Whitebridge?〃
       〃Even Lan cannot travel as fast cross…country as by road;〃 Moiraine said; interrupting Nynaeve; 〃especially not through the Hills of Absher。 〃 The Wisdom gave an exasperated sigh。 Rand wondered what she was up to; after ignoring the Aes Sedai pletely for the first day; Nynaeve had spent the last two trying to talk to her about herbs。 Moiraine moved away from the Wisdom as she went on。 〃Why do you think the road curves to avoid them? And we would have to e back to this road eventually。 We might find them ahead of us instead of following。〃
       Rand looked doubtful; and Mat muttered something about 〃the long way round。〃
       〃Have you seen a farm this morning?〃 Lan asked。 〃Or even the smoke from a chimney? You haven't; because it's all wilderness from Baerlon to Whitebridge; and Whitebridge is where we must cross the Arinelle。 That is the only bridge spanning the Arinelle south of Maradon; in Saldaea。〃
       Thom snorted and blew out his mustaches。 〃What is to stop them from having someone; something; at Whitebridge already?〃
       From the west came the keening wail of a horn。 Lan's head whipped around to stare back down the road behind them。 Rand felt a chill。 A part of him remained calm enough to think; ten miles; no more。
       〃Nothing stops them; gleeman;〃 the Warder said。 〃We trust to the Light and luck。 But now we know for certain there are Trollocs behind us。〃
       Moiraine dusted her hands。 〃It is time for us to move on。〃 The Aes Sedai mounted her white mare。
       That set off a scramble for the horses; speeded by a second winding of the horn。 This time others answered; the thin sounds floating out of the west like a dirge。 Rand made ready to put Cloud to a gallop right away; and everyone else settled their reins with the same urgency。 Everyone except Lan and Moiraine。 The Warder and the Aes Sedai exchanged a long look。
       〃Keep them moving; Moiraine Sedai;〃 Lan said finally。 〃I will return as soon as I am able。 You will know if I fail。〃 Putting a hand on Mandarb's saddle; he vaulted to the back of the black stallion and galloped down the hill。 Heading west。 The horns sounded again。
       〃The Light go with you; last Lord of the Seven Towers 。。。〃 Moiraine said almost too softly for Rand to hear。 Drawing a deep breath; she turned Aldieb to the east。 〃We must go on;〃 she said; and started off at a slow; steady trot。 The others followed her in a tight file。
       Rand twisted once in his saddle to look for Lan; but the Warder was already lost to sight among the low hills and leafless trees。 Last Lord of the Seven Towers; she had called him。 He wondered what that meant。 He had not thought anyone besides himself had heard; but Thom was chewing the ends of his mustaches; and he had a speculative frown on his face。 The gleeman seemed to know a great many things。
       The horns called and answered once more behind them。 Rand shifted in his saddle。 They were closer this time; he was sure of it。 Eight miles。 Maybe seven。 Mat and Egwene looked over their shoulders; and Perrin hunched as if he expected something to hit him in the back。 Nynaeve rode up to speak to Moiraine。
       〃Can't we go any faster?〃 she asked。 〃Those horns are getting closer。〃
       The Aes Sedai shook her head。 〃And why do they let us know they are there? Perhaps so we will hurry on without thinking of what might be ahead。〃
       They kept on at the same steady pace。 At intervals the horns gave cry behind them; and each time the sound was closer。 Rand tried to stop thinking of how close; but the thought came unbidden at every brazen wail。 Five miles; he was thinking anxiously; when Lan suddenly burst around the hill behind them at a gallop。
       He came abreast of Moiraine; reining in the stallion。 〃 At least three fists of Trollocs; each led by a Halfman。 Maybe five。〃
       〃If you were close enough to see them;〃 Egwene said worriedly; 〃they could have seen you。 They could be right on your heels。〃
       〃He was not seen。〃 Nynaeve drew herself up as everyone looked at her。 〃I have followed his trail; remember。〃
       〃Hush;〃 Moiraine manded。 〃Lan is telling us there are perhaps five hundred Trollocs behind us。〃 A stunned silence followed; then Lan spoke again。
       〃And they are closing the gap。 They will be on us in an hour or less。〃
       Half to herself; the Aes Sedai said; 〃If they had that many before; why were they not used at Emond's Field? If they did not; how did they e here; since?〃
       〃They are spread out to drive us before them;〃 Lan said; 〃with scouts quartering ahead of the main parties。〃
       〃Driving us toward what?〃 Moiraine mused。 As if to answer her a horn sounded in the distance to the west; a long moan that was answered this time by others; all ahead of them。 Moiraine stopped Aldieb; the others followed her lead; Thom and the Emond's Field folk looking around fearfully。 Horns cried out before them; and behind。 Rand thought they held a note of triumph。
       〃What do we do now?〃 Nynaeve demanded angrily。 〃Where do we go?〃
       〃All that is left is north or south;〃 Moiraine said; more thinking aloud than answering the Wisdom。 〃To the south are the Hills of Absher; barren and dead; and the Taren; with no way to cross; and no traffic by boat。 To the north; we can reach the Arinelle before nightfall; and there will be a chance of a trader's boat。 If the ice has broken at Maradon。〃
       〃There is a place the Trollocs will not go;〃 Lan said; but Moiraine's head whipped around sharply。
       〃No!〃 She motioned to the Warder; and he put his head close to hers so their talk could not be overheard。
       The horns winded; and Rand's horse danced nervously。
       〃They're trying to frighten us;〃 Thom growled; attempting to steady his mount。 He sounded half angry and half as if the Trollocs were succeeding。 〃They're trying to scare us until we panic and run。 They'll have us; then。〃
       Egwene's head swung with every blast of a horn; staring first ahead of them; then behind; as if looking for the first Trollocs。 Rand wanted to do the same thing; but he tried to hide it。 He moved Cloud closer to her。
       〃We go north;〃 Moiraine announced。
       The horns keened shrilly as they left the road and trotted into the surrounding hills。
       The hills were low; but the way was all up and down; with never a flat stretch; beneath bare…branched trees and through dead undergrowth。 The horses climbed laboriously up one slope only to canter down the other。 Lan set a hard pace; faster than they had used on the road。
       Branches lashed Rand across the face and chest。 Old creepers and vines caught his arms; and sometimes snagged his foot right out of the stirrup。 The keening horns came ever closer; and ever more frequently。
       As hard as Lan pushed them; they were not getting farther on very quickly。
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