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e than was strictly necessary。 His face was almost as expressionless as ever; but Nynaeve thought there was a touch of chagrin about the set of his mouth。 She felt a stab of satisfaction; the Warder had not known she was there; at least。
       Satisfaction lasted only a moment; though。 She fastened her eyes on Moiraine and walked toward her purposefully。 She wanted to remain cold and calm; but her voice quivered with anger。 〃What have you meshed Egwene and the boys in? What filthy Aes Sedai plots are you planning to use them in?〃
       The Aes Sedai picked up her cup and calmly sipped her tea。 When Nynaeve was close; though; Lan put out an arm to bar her way。 She tried to brush the obstruction aside; and was surprised when the Warder's arm moved no more than an oak branch would have。 She was not frail; but his muscles were like iron。
       〃Tea?〃 Moiraine offered。
       〃No; I don't want any tea。 I would not drink your tea if I was dying of thirst。 You won't use any Emond's Field folk in your dirty Aes Sedai schemes。〃
       〃You have very little room to talk; Wisdom。〃 Moiraine showed more interest in her hot tea than in anything she was saying。 〃You can wield the One Power yourself; after a fashion。 〃
       Nynaeve pushed at Lan's arm again; it still did not move; and she decided to ignore it。 〃Why don't you try claiming I am a Trolloc?〃
       Moiraine's smile was so knowing that Nynaeve wanted to hit her。 〃Do you think I can stand face…to…face with a woman who can touch the True Source and channel the One Power; even if only now and then; without knowing what she is? Just as you sensed the potential in Egwene。 How do you think I knew you were behind that tree? If I had not been distracted; I would have known the moment you came close。 You certainly are not a Trolloc; for me to feel the evil of the Dark One。 So what did I sense; Nynaeve al'Meara; Wisdom of Emond's Field and unknowing wielder of the One Power?〃
       Lan was looking down at Nynaeve in a way she did not like; surprised and speculative; it seemed to her; though nothing had changed about his face but his eyes。 Egwene was special; she had always known that。 Egwene would make a fine Wisdom。 They're working together; she thought; trying to put me off balance。 〃I won't listen to any more of this。 You … 〃
       〃You must listen;〃 Moiraine said firmly。 〃I had my suspicions in Emond's Field even before I met you。 People told me how upset the Wisdom was that she had not predicted the hard winter and the lateness of spring。 They told me how good she was at foretelling weather; at telling the crops。 They told me how wonderful her cures were; how she sometimes healed injuries that should have been crippling; so well there was barely a scar; and not a limp or a twinge。 The only ill word I heard about you was from a few who thought you too young for the responsibility; and that only strengthened my suspicions。 So much skill so young。〃
       〃Mistress Barran taught me well。〃 She tried looking at Lan; but his eyes still made her unfortable; so she settled for staring over the Aes Sedai's head at the river。 How dare the village gossip in front of an outlander! 〃Who said I was too young?〃 she demanded。
       Moiraine smiled; refusing to be diverted。 〃Unlike most women who claim to listen to the wind; you actually can; sometimes。 Oh; it has nothing to do with the wind; of course。 It is of Air and Water。 It is not something you needed to be taught; it was born into you; just as it was born into Egwene。 But you have learned to handle it; which she still has to learn。 Two minutes after I came face…to…face with you; I knew。 Do you remember how I suddenly asked you if you were the Wisdom? Why; do you think? There was nothing to distinguish you from any other pretty young woman getting ready for Festival。 Even looking for a young Wisdom I expected someone half again your age。〃
       Nynaeve remembered that meeting all too well; this woman; more self…possessed than anyone in the Women's Circle; in a dress more beautiful than any she had ever seen; addressing her as a child。 Then Moiraine had suddenly blinked as if surprised and out of a clear sky asked 。。。
       She licked lips gone abruptly dry。 They were both looking at her; the Warder's face as unreadable as a stone; the Aes Sedai's sympathetic yet intent。 Nynaeve shook her head。 〃No! No; it's impossible。 I would know。 You are just trying to trick me; and it will not work。〃
       〃Of course you do not know;〃 Moiraine said soothingly。 〃Why should you even suspect? All of your life you have heard about listening to the wind。 In any case; you would as soon announce to all of Emond's Field that you were a Darkfriend as admit to yourself; even in the deepest recesses of your mind; that you have anything to do with the One Power; or the dreaded Aes Sedai。〃 Amusement flitted across Moiraine's face。 〃But I can tell you how it began。〃
       〃I don't want to hear any more of your lies;〃 she said; but the Aes Sedai went right on。
       〃Perhaps as much as eight or ten years ago … the age varies; but always es young … there was something you wanted more than anything else in the world; something you needed。 And you got it。 A branch suddenly falling where you could pull yourself out of a pond instead of drowning。 A friend; or a pet; getting well when everyone thought they would die。〃You felt nothing special at the time; but a week or ten days later you had your first reaction to touching the True Source。 Perhaps fever and chills that came on suddenly and put you to bed; then disappeared after only a few hours。 None of the reactions; and they vary; lasts more than a few hours。 Headaches and numbness and exhilaration all mixed together; and you taking foolish chances or acting giddy。 A spell of dizziness; when you tripped and stumbled whenever you tried to move; when you could not say a sentence without your tongue mangling half the words。 There are others。 Do you remember?〃
       Nynaeve sat down hard on the ground; her legs would not hold her up。 She remembered; but she shook her head anyway。 It had to be coincidence。 Or else Moiraine had asked more questions in Emond's Field than she had thought。 The Aes Sedai had asked a great many questions。 It had to be that。 Lan offered a hand; but she did not even see it。
       〃I will go further;〃 Moiraine said when Nynaeve kept silent。 〃You used the Power to Heal either Perrin or Egwene at some time。 An affinity develops。 You can sense the presence of someone you have Healed。 In Baerlon you came straight to the Stag and Lion; though it was not the nearest inn to any gate by which you could have entered。 Of the people from Emond's Field; only Perrin and Egwene were at the inn when you arrived。 Was it Perrin; or Egwene? Or both?〃
       〃Egwene;〃 Nynaeve mumbled。 She had always taken it for granted that she could sometimes tell who was approaching her even when she could not see them; not until now had she realized that it was always someone on whom her cures had worked almost miraculously well。 And she had always known when the medicine would work beyond expectations; always felt the certainty when she said the crops would be especially good; or that the rains would e early or late。 That was the way she thought it was supposed to be。 Not all Wisdoms could listen to the wind; but the best could。 That was what Mistress Barran always said; just as she said Nynaeve would be one of the best。
       〃She had breakbone fever。〃 She kept her head down and spoke to the ground。 〃I was still apprentice to Mistress Barran; and she set me to watch Egwene。 I was young; and I didn't know the Wisdom had everything well in hand。 It's terrible to watch; breakbone fever。 The child was soaked with sweat; groaning and twisting until I could not understand why I didn't hear her bones snapping。 Mistress Barran had told me the fever would break in another day; two at the most; but I thought she was doing me a kindness。 I thought Egwene was dying。 I used to look after her sometimes when she was a toddler … when her mother was busy … and I started crying because I was going to have to watch her die。 When Mistress Barran came back an hour later; the fever had broken。 She was surprised; but she made over me
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