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irls on the Green; or lifted his head from a book in front of the fireplace; and whether he was outside or under a roof; there was a wolf close to hand。 Always the wolf's back was to him; and always he knew … In the dreams it seemed the normal course of things; even at Alsbet Luhhan's dinner table … that the wolf's yellow eyes were watching for what might e; guarding against what might e。 Only when he was awake did the dreams seem strange。
       Three days they journeyed; with Dapple; Hopper; and Wind bringing them rabbits and squirrels; and Elyas pointing out plants; few of which Perrin recognized; as good to eat。 Once a rabbit burst out almost from under Bela's hooves; before Perrin could get a stone in his sling; Elyas skewered it with his long knife at twenty paces。 Another time Elyas brought down a fat pheasant; on the wing; with his bow。 They ate far better than they had when on their own; but Perrin would as soon have gone back on short rations if it had meant different pany。 He was not sure how Egwene felt; but he would have been willing to go hungry if he could do it without the wolves。 Three days; into the afternoon。
       A stand of trees lay ahead; larger than most they had seen; a good four miles across。 The sun sat low in the western sky; pushing slanted shadows off to their right; and the wind was picking up。 Perrin felt the wolves give over quartering behind them and start forward; not hurrying。 They had smelled and seen nothing dangerous。 Egwene was taking her turn on Bela。 It was time to start looking for a camp for the night; and the big copse would serve the purpose well。
       As they came close to the trees; three mastiffs burst from cover; broad…muzzled dogs as tall as the wolves and even heavier; teeth bared in loud; rumbling snarls。 They stopped short as soon as they were in the open; but no more than thirty feet separated them from the three people; and their dark eyes kindled with a killing light。
       Bela; already on edge from the wolves; whinnied and almost unseated Egwene; but Perrin had his sling whirling around his head in an instant。 No need to use the axe on dogs; a stone in the ribs would send the worst dog running。Elyas waved a hand at him without taking his eyes from the stiff legged dogs。 〃Hssst! None of that now!〃
       Perrin gave him a puzzled frown; but let the sling slow its spin and finally fall to his side。 Egwene managed to get Bela under control; she and the mare both watched the dogs warily。
       The mastiffs' hackles stood stiff; and their ears were laid back; and their growls sounded like earthquakes。 Abruptly Elyas raised one finger shoulder high and whistled; a long; shrill whistle that rose higher and higher and did not end。 The growls cut off raggedly。 The dogs stepped back; whining and turning their heads as if they wanted to go but were held。 Their eyes remained locked to Elyas's finger。
       Slowly Elyas lowered his hand; and the pitch of his whistle lowered with it。 The dogs followed; until they lay flat on the ground; tongues lolling from their mouths。 Three tails wagged。
       〃See;〃 Elyas said; walking to the dogs。 〃There's no need for weapons。〃 The mastiffs licked his hands; and he scratched their broad heads and fondled their ears。 〃They look meaner than they are。 They meant to frighten us off; and they wouldn't have bitten unless we tried to go into the trees。 Anyway; there's no worry of that; now。 We can make the next thicket before full dark。〃
       When Perrin looked at Egwene; her mouth was hanging open。 He shut his own mouth with a click of teeth。
       Still patting the dogs; Elyas studied the stand of trees。 〃There'll be Tuatha'an here。 The Traveling People。〃 They stared at him blankly; and he added; 〃Tinkers。〃
       〃Tinkers?〃 Perrin exclaimed。 〃I've always wanted to see the Tinkers。 They camp across the river from Taren Ferry sometimes; but they don't e down into the Two Rivers; as far as I know。 I don't know why not。〃
       Egwene sniffed。 〃Probably because the Taren Ferry folk are as great thieves as the Tinkers。 They'd no doubt end up stealing each other blind。 Master Elyas; if there really are Tinkers close by; shouldn't we go on? We don't want Bela stolen; and 。。。 well; we do not have much else; but everybody knows Tinkers will steal anything。〃
       〃Including infants?〃 Elyas asked dryly。 〃Kidnap children; and all that?〃 He spat; and she blushed。 Those stories about babies were told sometimes; but most often by Cenn Buie or one of the Coplins or Congars。 The other tales; everybody knew。 〃The Tinkers make me sick sometimes; but they don't steal any more than most folks。 A good bit less than some I know。〃
       〃It will be getting dark soon; Elyas;〃 Perrin said。 〃We have to camp somewhere。 Why not with them; if they'll have us?〃 Mistress Luhhan had a Tinker…mended pot that she claimed was better than new。 Master Luhhan was not too happy about his wife's praise of the Tinker work; but Perrin wanted to see how it was done。 Yet there was a reluctance about Elyas that he did not understand。 〃Is there some reason we shouldn't?〃
       Elyas shook his head; but the reluctance was still there; in the set of his shoulders and the tightness of his mouth。 〃May as well。 Just don't pay any mind to what they say。 Lot of foolishness。 Most times the Traveling People do things any which way; but there's times they set a store by formality; so you do what I do。 And keep your secrets。 No need to tell the world everything。〃
       The dogs trailed along beside them; wagging their tails; as Elyas led the way into the trees。 Perrin felt the wolves slow; and knew they would not enter。 They were not afraid of the dogs … they were contemptuous of dogs; who had given up freedom to sleep by a fire … but people they avoided。
       Elyas walked surely; as if he knew the way; and near the center of the stand the Tinkers' wagons appeared; scattered among the oak and ash。
Like everyone else in Emond's Field; Perrin had heard a good deal about the Tinkers even if he had never seen any; and the camp was just what he expected。 Their wagons were small houses on wheels; tall wooden boxes lacquered and painted in bright colors; reds and blues and yellows and greens and some hues to which he could not put a name。 The Traveling People were going about work that was disappointingly everyday; cooking; sewing; tending children; mending harness; but their clothes were even more colorful than the wagons … and seemingly chosen at random; sometimes coat and breeches; or dress and shawl; went together in a way that hurt his eyes。 They looked like butterflies in a field of wildflowers。
       Four or five men in different places around the camp played fiddles and flutes; and a few people danced like rainbow…hued hummingbirds。 Children and dogs ran playing among the cookfires。 The dogs were mastiffs just like those that had confronted the travelers; but the children tugged at their ears and tails and climbed on their backs; and the massive dogs accepted it all placidly。 The three with Elyas; tongues hanging out; looked up at the bearded man as if he were their best friend。 Perrin shook his head。 They were still big enough to reach a man's throat while barely getting their front feet off the ground。
       Abruptly the music stopped; and he realized all the Tinkers were looking at him and his panions。 Even the children and dogs stood still and watched; warily; as if on the point of flight。
       For a moment there was no sound at all; then a wiry man; gray…haired and short; stepped forward and bowed gravely to Elyas。 He wore a highcollared red coat; and baggy; bright green trousers tucked into knee boots。 〃You are wele to our fires。 Do you know the song?〃
       Elyas bowed in the same way; both hands pressed to his chest。 〃Your wele warms my spirit; Mahdi; as your fires warm the flesh; but I do not know the song。〃
       〃Then we seek still;〃 the gray…haired man intoned。 〃As it was; so shall it be; if we but remember; seek; and find。〃 He swept an arm toward the fires with a smile; and his voice took on a cheerful lightness。 〃The meal is almost ready。 Join us; please。〃
       As if that had been a signal the music sprang up again; and the children took up their lau
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