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ed her eyes for a moment and pinched the bridge of her nose with thumb and forefinger; a strained look on her face; as if she was trying to suppress a headache。 
 With all his heart; Jim regretted that she had been drawn into this。 But like his fear and despair; his regret was impure; tempered by the deep pleasure he took in her very presence。 Though it was a selfish attitude; he was glad that she was with him; no matter where this strange night lead them。 He was no longer alone。 
 Still pinching the bridge of her nose; the lines in her forehead carved deep by her scowl; Holly said; 〃This creature isn't restricted to the area near the pond; or just to psychic contact across great distances。 
 It can manifest itself anywhere; judging by the scratches it left in my sides and the way it entered the ceiling of your bedroom this morning。〃 
 〃Well; now wait;〃 he said; 〃we know The Enemy can materialize over a considerable distance; yes; but we don't know that The Friend has that ability。 It was The Enemy that came out of your dream and The Enemy that tried to reach us this morning。〃 
 Holly opened her eyes and lowered her hand from her face。 Her expression was bleak。 〃I think they're one and the same。〃 
 〃What?〃 〃The Enemy and The Friend。 I don't believe two entities are living under the pond; in that starship; if there is a starship; which I guess there is。 I think there's only a single entity。 The Friend and The Enemy are nothing more than different aspects of it。〃 
 Holly's implication was clear; but it was too frightening for Jim to accept immediately。 He said; 〃You can't be serious? You might as well be saying。 。 。 it's insane。〃 
 〃That is what I'm saying。 It's suffering the alien equivalent of a split personality。 It's acting out both personalities; but isn't consciously aware of what it's doing。〃 Jim's almost desperate need to believe in The Friend as a separate and purely benign creature must have been evident in his face; for Holly took his right hand; held it in both hers; and hurried on before he could interrupt: 〃The childish petulance; the grandiosity of its claim to be reshaping the entire destiny of our species; the flamboyance of its apparitions; its sudden fluctuations between an attitude of syrupy goodwill and sullen anger; the way it lies so damned transparently yet deludes itself into believing it's clever; its secretiveness about some issues when there is no apparent reason to be secretive…all of that makes sense if you figure we're dealing with an unbalanced mind。〃 
 He looked for flaws in her reasoning; and found one。 〃But you can't believe an insane person; an insane alien individual; could pilot an unimaginably plex spacecraft across lightyears through countless dangers; while pletely out of its mind。〃 
 〃It doesn't have to be like that。 Maybe the insanity set in after it got here。 Or maybe it didn't have to pilot the ship; maybe the ship is essentially automatic; an entirely robotic mechanism。 Or maybe there were others of its kind aboard who piloted it; and maybe they're all dead now。 Jim; it's never mentioned a crew; only The Enemy。 And assuming you buy its extraterrestrial origins; does it really ring true that only two individuals would set out on an intergalactic exploration? Maybe it killed the others。〃 
 Everything she was theorizing could be true; but then anything she theorized could be true。 They were dealing with the Unknown; capital 〃U;〃 and the possibilities in an infinite universe were infinite in number。 
 He remembered reading somewhere…even many scientists believed that anything the human imagination conceived; regardless of how fanciful; could conceivably exist somewhere in the universe; because the infinite nature of creation meant that it was no less fluid; no less fertile than any man's or woman's dreams。 
 Jim expressed that thought to Holly; then said; 〃But what bothers me is that you're doing now what you rejected earlier。 You're trying hard to explain it in human terms; when it may be too alien for us to understand it at all。 How can you assume that an alien species can even suffer insanity the way we can; or that it's capable of multiple personalities? These are all strictly human concepts。〃 
 She nodded。 〃You're right; of course。 But at the moment; this theory's the only one that makes sense to me。 Until something happens to disprove it; I've got to operate on the assumption that we're not dealing with a rational being。〃 
 With his free hand; he reached out and increased the gas flow to the wicks in the Coleman lantern; providing more light。 〃Jesus; I've got a bad case of the creeps;〃 he said; shivering。 
 〃Join the club。〃 
 〃If it is schizo; and if it slips into the identity of The Enemy and can't get back out。 。 。 what might it do to us?〃 〃I don't even want to think about that;〃 Holly said。 〃If it's as intellectually superior to us as it seems to be; if it's from a long…lived race with experience and knowledge that makes the whole of the human experience seem like a short story pared to the Great Books of the Western World; then it sure as hell knows some tortures and cruelties that would make Hitler and Stalin and Pol Pot look like Sunday…school teachers。〃 
 He thought about that for a moment; even though he tried not to。 
 The chocolate doughnuts he had eaten lay in an undigested; burning wad in his stomach。 
 Holly said; 〃When it es back…〃 〃For God's sake;〃 he interrupted; 〃no more adversarial tactics!〃 〃I screwed up;〃 she admitted。 〃But the adversarial approach was the correct one; I just carried it too far。 I pushed too hard。 When it es back; I'll modify my technique。〃 
 He supposed he had more fully accepted her insanity theory than he was willing to acknowledge。 He was now in a cold sweat about what The Friend might do if their behavior tipped it into its other; darker identity。 
 〃Why don't we jettison confrontation altogether; play along with it; stroke its ego; keep it as happy as we…〃 〃That's no good。 You can't control madness by indulging it。 That only creates more and deeper madness。 I suspect any nurse in a mental institution would tell you the best way to deal with potentially violent paranoid is to be nice; respectful; but firm。〃 He withdrew his hand from hers because his palms were clammy。 He blotted them on his shirt。 
 The mill seemed unnaturally silent; as if it were in a vacuum where sound could not travel; sealed in an immense bell jar; on display in a museum in a land of giants。 At another time Jim might have found the silence disturbing; but now he embraced it because it probably meant The Friend was sleeping or at least preoccupied with concerns other than them。 
 〃It wants to do good;〃 he said。 〃It might be insane; and it might be violent and even evil in its second identity; a regular Dr。 Jekyll and Mr。 
 Hyde。 But like Dr。 Jekyll it really wants to do good。 At least we've got that going for us。〃 
 She thought about it a moment。 〃Okay; I'll give you that one。 And when it es back; I'll try to pry some truth out of it。〃 
 〃What scares me most…is there really anything we can learn from it that could help us? Even if it tells us the whole truth about everything; if it's insane it's going to turn to irrational violence sooner or later。〃 
 She nodded。 〃But we gotta try。〃 
 They settled into an uneasy silence。 
 When he looked at his watch; Jim saw that it was ten minutes past one in the morning。 He was not sleepy。 He didn't have to worry about drifting off and dreaming and thereby opening a doorway; but he was physically drained。 Though he had not done anything but sit in a car and drive; then sit or stand in the high room waiting for revelations; his muscles ached as if he had put in ten hours of heavy manual labor。 
 His face felt slack with weariness; and his eyes were hot and grainy。 
 Extreme stress could be every bit as debilitating as strenuous physical activity。 
 He found himself wishing The Friend would never return; wishing not in an idle way but with the wholehearted mitment of a young boy wishing that an uping visit to the dentist would not transpire。 He put every fiber of his being into the wish; as if convinced; the way a kid sometimes could be; that wishes really did now and then e tru
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