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  〃The ramp is a good idea;〃 F'lar said。 〃That…〃 and he waved toward the beasthold; 〃makes a fine weyr。 Nothing else。〃 His amber eyes held F'lessan's。 〃Certainly not a prison in time of Thread。 By the time the Nine Fall is over Honshu; we'll have mastered lifting that bronze dragon of yours。〃
  〃But how?〃
  〃It takes control; you know;〃 Lessa said; walking up to her son and slipping her arm in his。 〃Which; I believe; your dragon was practicing the other morning。〃
  〃How did you know that?〃 F'lessan asked; startled out of his morbid thoughts。
  〃There's not much Ramoth doesn't know if she wants to find out;〃 Lessa said; looking up at him and giving him an encouraging little smile。 〃Now; there is a celebration going on around us。 I think we've inspected Golanth's weyr sufficiently to know it will suit and I think you'd better calm him down。〃
  Golanth was bugling and his happy voice did not mirror the anguish of F'lessan's recent numbing thoughts。 None had leaked to his dragon; for which he was intensely grateful。 Now Golanth was happily prancing up the ramp。 His mind was all about being free of the terrace。 F'lessan concentrated on that positive thought; reinforced it by what F'lar had just said。 Practice? Yes; practice。 Zaranth and Golanth hadn't done so badly in the two movings they'd attempted so far。 They could practice。 He could feel the thud of Golanth's feet in the ground under his。
  Lessa gave him a little shake。 〃e; F'lessan; you've other things to do now;〃 she said softly and then pulled his arm。
  In the few steps back into the sunlight; he quenched that black moment of anger and mind…numbing despair; forced himself through them to grasp what hope allowed。 He joined the applause as Golanth came charging back to the foot of the ramp; limping only slight on his left hind leg。 His right wing was fully extended and; if the left was canted downward; it was straighter than it had been now the dragon didn't have to worry about banging into Honshu's wall。
  Maybe swimming and dolphin massage would loosen that joint just enough…
  〃Don't consider anything else; rider;〃 said his father in a low voice; striding past him。
  F'lessan turned back and held out his hand。 〃Tai?〃 he asked hopefully。
  She came out of the shadow of the ramp; too; and took his hand。 They walked out to Golanth。 〃Remember; F'lessan; I have chosen you。 I now reaffirm it。〃 Her hand was tight on his as they began the walk up the ramp。
  Toric was overseeing the unloading of several prime breeding pairs of canines: big strapping animals; deep in the chest; thick…necked; well…set teeth; sturdy legs; dark to mid…brown short…haired…a necessary trait since parasites could cling to long fur to burrow into the host body。 Shrewd calculating eyes; unafraid; despite a journey stuffed in a cramped forward partment。
  〃They weren't seasick;〃 the handler said approvingly; with a slight emphasis on the pronoun。 〃Name's Pinch; Lord Toric。〃
  〃Why the muzzles?〃 Toric asked; flicking his thick fingers in acknowledgment of the name。
  〃One of the females is near her heat。 Couldn't have them biting; fighting。〃
  〃Aren't they trained?〃
  The handler; a medium…sized man with an angular face somewhat marred by tar stains and dirt; brown eyes; serious sort of expression; gave Toric a hard stare。
  〃If they wasn't when they came on board; they are now。 Sit!〃
  All six dogs instantly obeyed; heads pointing at the handler。 Though they didn't move; it was obvious by their rolling eyes and the movements of their nostrils that they were taking in such sights and smells as they could at the sit position。
  〃Stand!〃 On their feet in a shot。 They took advantage and glanced about in every direction。 One of them whined softly。
  The man gave a sort of smug smirk。 〃Voice and hand。〃 He demonstrated by firmly depressing his hand to the ground and the dogs sat down again。 〃Make sure you feed 'em by hand yourself and they'll be yours。〃
  Toric had no time to feed dogs but his sons did。
  〃Here're their papers;〃 the handler said。 He fumbled in a clean but well…mended jacket; and passed Toric a sheaf。 〃Master Ballora guarantees fertility or you can return the dogs。〃
  〃Can you manage to get them to my hold?〃 Toric asked; eyeing the man。 Any one of the dogs stood higher than the handler's knee: heavy collars as well as choke chains; paired up on three thick leather leads。
  〃Up to top; turn second left; up the wide stairs and Lord Toric's Hold is directly in front;〃 the man said in quick phrases and then grinned; showing very white and even teeth。
  〃Get going then; and you're responsible if you lose one or any get damaged or do damage。〃 Toric gestured him to be off。
  〃e!〃 The dogs followed their handler down the gangplank; shoving a little with their shoulders to be closest behind him。 At his order; they moved in front of him。
  Toric watched as the dogs led the man up the stairs without pulling at him。 Toric approved。 He must remember to oversee his sons while they were getting accustomed to the beasts。 Maybe; he'd keep one pair by him。 Might be prudent。 Ballora had offered him watchwhers。 He couldn't stand the look of the creatures; and they were really only good watchers at night。 They had to be blooded at birth to recognize the legitimate members of a Hold。
  He pretended to read the dogs' papers as the rest of the passengers began filing off the ship; assessing the newest arrivals at Southern。 More ragged ones who were unlikely to devote any time to that newest fad; sky…watching。 If things fell out of the sky; they fell; and there was more water on Pern than land。 What were really needed in the sky were more accurate weather satellites。 That spaceship had only its southern array and the worst winds came down out of the north; which was what had happened two Turns ago and his coastline had been sharding ruined。 Dolphin warning hadn't given anyone enough time。
  He shifted his feet and glared as the last man off the boat led a small girl and encouraged three boys to move quickly now。 Then the captain and the Runner Stationmaster emerged; the latter hefting the heavy message sack to his shoulder。 The captain smiled and the Runner murmured something and made his way to the gangplank。 He saw the Lord Holder and nodded courteously。
  〃You've nothing for me; Runner?〃 
  〃No; Lord Toric; or I would have had it to hand the moment I saw you e on board。〃
  Toric swore under his breath; pursing his lips。 The Runner Stationmaster angled past Toric; onto the pier; and up the stairs to the new Runner Station at Southern。
  Sharding Fifth! He'd had no message since their meeting at Telgar。 Fifth had indicated there were many men and women who obeyed his directions but not who or where they were; only the most discreet shared his theories about the Abomination and Master Robinton。 Very prudent of Fifth but sharding infuriating for Toric。 He consoled himself with the fact that there were plenty of men like that Ruathan renegade that he could recruit; but it meant starting out again。 Dorse had been almost worth every mark Toric paid him。
  Of course; he could approach Kashman! Now there was a man who had a legitimate grievance with the high and mighty Lord Dragonrider Jaxom。 Toric might be able to work on that。 Gain another freethinking man in the Council。
  He also had had no word from Master Esselin about the meeting with Fifth that he had set up。 Surely the old fool could do that much correctly。 Unless; of course; Fifth had decided to take the marks and disappear。 Toric rather thought not。 The man's obsession would keep him fueled for the revenge he sought。 Kashman might be a willing associate even if he'd been only a child when the beloved Robinton had been alive。
  That was when he saw the thin woman; at one side of the wharf; watching him; standing in a very awkward position; one hand in front of her clasping the elbow of her other arm。 He swaggered down the gangplank; knowing she waited to speak to him; Lord Toric。 There was only one person she could be: Dorse had described her in unflattering terms; but had grudgingly admitted that she was meticulous with details; un
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