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shouting at the top of his voice and exhorting the Danaans。 〃My
friends;〃 he cried; 〃Danaan heroes; servants of Mars; be men my
friends; and fight with might and with main。 Can we hope to find
helpers hereafter; or a wall to shield us more surely than the
one we have? There is no strong city within reach; whence we may
draw fresh forces to turn the scales in our favour。 We are on the
plain of the armed Trojans with the sea behind us; and far from
our own country。 Our salvation; therefore; is in the might of our
hands and in hard fighting。〃

As he spoke he wielded his spear with still greater fury; and
when any Trojan made towards the ships with fire at Hector's
bidding; he would be on the look…out for him; and drive at him
with his long spear。 Twelve men did he thus kill in hand…to…hand
fight before the ships。


  Fire being now thrown on the ship of Protesilaus; Patroclus
  fights in the armour of AchillesHe drives the Trojans back;
  but is in the end killed by Euphorbus and Hector。

THUS did they fight about the ship of Protesilaus。 Then Patroclus
drew near to Achilles with tears welling from his eyes; as from
some spring whose crystal stream falls over the ledges of a high
precipice。 When Achilles saw him thus weeping he was sorry for
him and said; 〃Why; Patroclus; do you stand there weeping like
some silly child that es running to her mother; and begs to be
taken up and carriedshe catches hold of her mother's dress to
stay her though she is in a hurry; and looks tearfully up until
her mother carries hereven such tears; Patroclus; are you now
shedding。 Have you anything to say to the Myrmidons or to myself?
or have you had news from Phthia which you alone know? They tell
me Menoetius son of Actor is still alive; as also Peleus son of
Aeacus; among the Myrmidonsmen whose loss we two should
bitterly deplore; or are you grieving about the Argives and the
way in which they are being killed at the ships; through their
own high…handed doings? Do not hide anything from me but tell me
that both of us may know about it。〃

Then; O knight Patroclus; with a deep sigh you answered;
〃Achilles; son of Peleus; foremost champion of the Achaeans; do
not be angry; but I weep for the disaster that has now befallen
the Argives。 All those who have been their champions so far are
lying at the ships; wounded by sword or spear。 Brave Diomed son
of Tydeus has been hit with a spear; while famed Ulysses and
Agamemnon have received sword…wounds; Eurypylus again has been
struck with an arrow in the thigh; skilled apothecaries are
attending to these heroes; and healing them of their wounds; are
you still; O Achilles; so inexorable? May it never be my lot to
nurse such a passion as you have done; to the baning of your own
good name。 Who in future story will speak well of you unless you
now save the Argives from ruin? You know no pity; knight Peleus
was not your father nor Thetis your mother; but the grey sea bore
you and the sheer cliffs begot you; so cruel and remorseless are
you。 If however you are kept back through knowledge of some
oracle; or if your mother Thetis has told you something from the
mouth of Jove; at least send me and the Myrmidons with me; if I
may bring deliverance to the Danaans。 Let me moreover wear your
armour; the Trojans may thus mistake me for you and quit the
field; so that the hard…pressed sons of the Achaeans may have
breathing timewhich while they are fighting may hardly be。 We
who are fresh might soon drive tired men back from our ships and
tents to their own city。〃

He knew not what he was asking; nor that he was suing for his own
destruction。 Achilles was deeply moved and answered; 〃What; noble
Patroclus; are you saying? I know no prophesyings which I am
heeding; nor has my mother told me anything from the mouth of
Jove; but I am cut to the very heart that one of my own rank
should dare to rob me because he is more powerful than I am。
This; after all that I have gone through; is more than I can
endure。 The girl whom the sons of the Achaeans chose for me; whom
I won as the fruit of my spear on having sacked a cityher has
King Agamemnon taken from me as though I were some mon
vagrant。 Still; let bygones be bygones: no man may keep his anger
for ever; I said I would not relent till battle and the cry of
war had reached my own ships; nevertheless; now gird my armour
about your shoulders; and lead the Myrmidons to battle; for the
dark cloud of Trojans has burst furiously over our fleet; the
Argives are driven back on to the beach; cooped within a narrow
space; and the whole people of Troy has taken heart to sally out
against them; because they see not the visor of my helmet
gleaming near them。 Had they seen this; there would not have been
a creek nor grip that had not been filled with their dead as they
fled back again。 And so it would have been; if only King
Agamemnon had dealt fairly by me。 As it is the Trojans have beset
our host。 Diomed son of Tydeus no longer wields his spear to
defend the Danaans; neither have I heard the voice of the son of
Atreus ing from his hated head; whereas that of murderous
Hector rings in my cars as he gives orders to the Trojans; who
triumph over the Achaeans and fill the whole plain with their cry
of battle。 But even so; Patroclus; fall upon them and save the
fleet; lest the Trojans fire it and prevent us from being able to
return。 Do; however; as I now bid you; that you may win me great
honour from all the Danaans; and that they may restore the girl
to me again and give me rich gifts into the bargain。 When you
have driven the Trojans from the ships; e back again。 Though
Juno's thundering husband should put triumph within your reach;
do not fight the Trojans further in my absence; or you will rob
me of glory that should be mine。 And do not for lust of battle go
on killing the Trojans nor lead the Achaeans on to Ilius; lest
one of the ever…living gods from Olympus attack youfor Phoebus
Apollo loves them well: return when you have freed the ships from
peril; and let others wage war upon the plain。 Would; by father
Jove; Minerva; and Apollo; that not a single man of all the
Trojans might be left alive; nor yet of the Argives; but that we
two might be alone left to tear aside the mantle that veils the
brow of Troy。〃

Thus did they converse。 But Ajax could no longer hold his ground
for the shower of darts that rained upon him; the will of Jove
and the javelins of the Trojans were too much for him; the helmet
that gleamed about his temples rang with the continuous clatter
of the missiles that kept pouring on to it and on to the
cheek…pieces that protected his face。 Moreover his left shoulder
was tired with having held his shield so long; yet for all this;
let fly at him as they would; they could not make him give
ground。 He could hardly draw his breath; the sweat rained from
every pore of his body; he had not a moment's respite; and on all
sides he was beset by danger upon danger。

And now; tell me; O Muses that hold your mansions on Olympus; how
fire was thrown upon the ships of the Achaeans。 Hector came close
up and let drive with his great sword at the ashen spear of Ajax。
He cut it clean in two just behind where the point was fastened
on to the shaft of the spear。 Ajax; therefore; had now nothing
but a headless spear; while the bronze point flew some way off
and came ringing down on to the ground。 Ajax knew the hand of
heaven in this; and was dismayed at seeing that Jove had now left
him utterly defenceless and was willing victory for the Trojans。
Therefore he drew back; and the Trojans flung fire upon the ship
which was at once wrapped in flame。

The fire was now flaring about the ship's stern; whereon Achilles
smote his two thighs and said to Patroclus; 〃Up; noble knight;
for I see the glare of hostile fire at our fleet; up; lest they
destroy our ships; and there be no way by which we may retreat。
Gird on your armour at once while I call our people together。〃

As he spoke Patroclus put on his armour。 First he greaved his
legs with greaves of good make; and fitted with ancle…clasps of
silver; after this he donned the cuirass of the son of Aeacus;
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