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as described in the next section。 

■Note  For the examples in this chapter; use the XML shown in the listings。 XML is not difficult to learn; but  

for now; you’ll get by with what I show you here。 For more information about XML; visit the MSDN XML Developer  

Center at http://msdn2。microsoft。/en…us/xml/default。aspx。 

Reading a Configuration File 

Reading a configuration file is very simple because the  Framework es with an easy

to…use configuration API。 For example; to read the value for the key Assemblies; use the following  

code; which would be added to your application when the application first starts; such as in the  

Main() method of a console program。 

Dim value As String = _ 


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322       CH AP T E R   1 2   ■    L E A R N I N G   A B OU T   A PP L I CA TI O N   CO N F I G U R AT IO N   AN D   D Y N A M I C  L O AD I N G 

               ConfigurationManager is a shared class that provides the entry point to reading items from  

          a configuration file。  

               In this example; a couple assumptions have been made。 The first assumption is that you  

          want to read the configuration settings from the application that is currently executing。 The  

          second assumption is that you want to read the configuration items stored within the XML  

          node 。 Based on those two assumptions; the settings are stored in a shared prop

          erty named AppSettings; which returns an instance of type NameValueCollection。 (The way that  

          AppSettings is referenced makes it appear as if AppSettings were an indexer; which it is not。) 

               When retrieving the buffer of ma…separated identifiers using  ConfigurationManager;  

          you need to parse the buffer and then make sense of the information; as described in the next  


          Dynamically Loading an Assembly 

          In  terms; to use the configuration file with a dynamically loaded application; you need to  

          load the assembly; and from the assembly; instantiate the type。 You can reference assemblies  

          locally and also reference them from the GAC。 

          Dynamically Instantiating a Type 

          The code to dynamically instantiate a type requires parsing the ma…separated buffer into  

          its respective identifiers。 To keep things organized; the three pieces of information are stored  

          in a class。 This can be called a data class because it has only data members。 

               The data class is a placeholder; needed only by the code used to dynamically load the type。  

          This makes it possible to define the data class as a private class; because a private class implies  

          only the parent class can instantiate it。  

               With the ConfigurationLoader class defined as the class used to dynamically instantiate  

          other types; the private class is declared as follows (added to the Definitions project): 

          Public Class ConfigurationLoader  

              Private _availableTypes As Dictionary(Of String; ConfigurationInfo) = _ 

                New Dictionary(Of String; ConfigurationInfo) 

              Private Class ConfigurationInfo 

                  Public AssemblyName As String 

                  Public EasyName As String 

                  Public TypeName As String 

              End Class 

          End Class 

               ConfigurationInfo contains three data members: AssemblyName; EasyName; and TypeName。  

          The class is prefixed with Private; indicating that nothing external to the ConfigurationLoader  

          class can see the configuration。 Had ConfigurationInfo been declared with the  Public keyword;  

          the following code would have been legal。 

          Dim cls As ConfigurationLoader。ConfigurationInfo = _  

            New ConfigurationLoader。ConfigurationInfo() 

…………………………………………………………Page 345……………………………………………………………

          CH AP T E R   1 2   ■    L E AR N IN G   AB O U T   AP P L I CAT I ON   CO N F IG U R AT IO N   A N D   D Y N A M IC   L O AD IN G 323 

     ConfigurationInfo is used to store the information from the configuration file。 The config

uration information is cross…referenced using a Dictionary; where the key is the EasyName data  


     To parse the configuration information and create the individual instances of  

ConfigurationInfo; the following code (part of ConfigurationLoader) is used。 

Imports System。Configuration 

Public Sub Load()  

    Dim value As String = ConfigurationManager。AppSettings(〃assemblies〃) 

    Dim values As String() = value。Split(〃;〃c) 

    Dim c1 As Integer = 0 

    Do While (c1 《 values。Length) 

        Dim configInfo As New ConfigurationInfo()         

        configInfo。EasyName = values(c1) 

        configInfo。TypeName = values((c1 + 1)) 

        configInfo。AssemblyName = values((c1 + 2)) 

        _availableTypes。Add(values(c1); configInfo) 

        c1 = (c1 + 3) 


End Sub 

     The configuration is read using AppSettings; and then split into an array of string element  

values。 Processing three array elements at a time iterates the array。 With every iteration; an  

instance of ConfigurationInfo is created。 Once the buffer has been processed; it is possible  

to dynamically instantiate a type using the following ConfigurationLoader method。 

Imports System。Reflection 

。 。 。 

    Public Function Instantiate(Of RequestedType)(ByVal identifier As String) _ 

      As RequestedType 

        If Not _availableTypes。ContainsKey(identifier) Then 

            Throw New ArgumentException((〃identifier (〃 & identifier & _ 

                                        〃) is not a listed type〃)) 

        End If 

        Dim info As ConfigurationInfo = _availableTypes。Item(identifier) 

        Dim assemblyName As AssemblyName = _ 


        Console。WriteLine((〃assemblyname(〃 & assemblyName。ToString() & 〃)〃)) 

        Return DirectCast( _ 

          Assembly。Load(assemblyName)。CreateInstance(info。TypeName); _ 


    End Function 

     Look at the declaration of the method Instantiate(); and you will see that it is a   

generics method (discussed in Chapter 11)。 The idea is to instantiate a type and perform an  

automatic cast to the request type。 It avoids needing to define Instantiate() using the Object  

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324       CH AP T E R   1 2   ■    L E A R N I N G   A B OU T   A PP L I CA TI O N   CO N F I G U R AT IO N   AN D   D Y N A M I C  L O AD I N G 

           type。 The parameter identifier is a string that is used to search the Dictionary data member  

           _availableTypes。 If the identifier exists in _availableTypes; the ConfigurationInfo instance is  

           retrieved and used to instantiate the type。 If the identifier does not exist; an exception is thrown。 

                The bolded code is the special code because it is unlike what you have encountered thus  

           far in the book。 Built into  is the ability to dynamically execute code; as illustrated here。  

           The first bolded line makes the reflection ability available; and the second is used to load the  

           assembly。 So; for example; if the parameter identifier equaled Impl1 (remember; this is one  

           of the keys in the configuration file  element); the first bolded line would refer

           ence and dynamically load the assembly Implementations1。dll。 However; and here is the  

           catch; the assembly can be loaded dynamically only if Implementations1。dll exists in the local  

           directory or the GAC。 As an alternative; you could specify th
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