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 Lisa stood in the white…gold sunshine on the shoulder of the highway behind the motor home。 Her daughter stood at her side; clung to her。 
 Light had an affinity for them: it slipped in scintillant currents through their flaxen hair; accented the color of their eyes much the way a jeweler display lamp enhanced the beauty of emeralds on velvet; and lent an a most mystical luminosity to their skin。 Looking at them; it was difficult to believe that the light around them was not within them; too; and that darkness had entered their lives and filled them as pletely as night filled the world in the wake of dusk。 
 Jim could barely endure their presence。 Each time he glanced at then he thought of the dead man in the station wagon; and sympathetic grief twisted through him; as painful as any physical illness he had ever know Using a key that he found on a ring with the motor home ignition key he unlocked the iron rack that held the Harley…Davidson。 
 It was a FXRS…SP with a 1340cc。 single…carburetor; two…valve; push…rod V…tw with a five…speed transmission that powered the rear wheel through a toothed belt instead of a greasy chain。 He'd ridden fancier and more powerful machines。 This one was standard; about as plain as a Harley could get。 But all he wanted from the bike was speed and easy handling; and if it was in good repair; the SP would provide him with both。 
 Lisa spoke worriedly to him as he unracked the Harley and looked over。 
 〃Three of us can't ride out of here on that。〃 
 〃No;〃 he said。 〃Just me。〃 
 〃Please don't leave us alone。〃 
 〃Someone'll stop for you before I go。〃 
 A car approached。 The three occupants gawked at them。 The driver put on more speed。 
 〃None of them stop;〃 she said miserably。 
 〃Someone will。 I'll wait until they do。〃 
 She was silent a moment。 Then: 〃I don't want to get into a car with strangers。〃 
 〃We'll see who stops。〃 
 She shook her head violently。 
 He said; 〃I'll know if they're trustworthy〃 〃I don't。 。 。〃 Her voice broke。 She hesitated; regained control。 
 〃I don't trust anyone。〃 
 〃There are good people in the world。 In fact; most of them are good。 
 Anyway; when they stop; I'll know if they're okay。〃 
 〃How? How in God's name can you know?〃 〃I'll know。〃 But he could not explain the how of it any more than he could explain how he had known that she and her daughter needed him out here in this seared and blistered wasteland。 
 He straddled the Harley and pressed the starter button。 The engine kicked in at once。 He revved it a little; then shut it off The woman said; 〃Who are you?〃 〃I can't tell you that。〃 
 〃But why not?〃 〃This one's too sensational。 It'll make nationwide headlines。〃 
 〃I don't understand。〃 
 〃They'd splash my picture everywhere。 I like my privacy。〃 
 A small utility rack was bolted to the back of the Harley。 Jim used his belt to strap the shotgun to it。 
 With a tremor of vulnerability in her voice that broke his heart; Lisa said; 〃We owe you so much。〃 
 He looked at her; then at Susie。 The girl had one slender arm around her mother; clinging tightly。 She was not listening to their conversation。 Her eyes were out of focus; blank…and her mind seemed far away。 Her free hand was at her mouth; and she was chewing on her knuckle; she had actually broken the skin and drawn her own blood。 
 He averted his eyes and stared down at the cycle again。 
 〃You don't owe me anything;〃 he said。 
 〃But you saved…〃 〃Not everyone;〃 he said quickly。 〃Not everyone I should have。〃 
 The distant growl of an approaching car drew their attention to the east。 
 They watched a souped…up black Trans Am swim out of the water mirages。 
 With a screech of brakes; it stopped in front of them。 Red flames were painted on the fender back of the front wheel; and the rims of both the wheel wells were protected with fancy chrome trim。 Fat twin chrome tailpipes glistened like liquid mercury in the fierce desert sun。 
 The driver got out。 He was about thirty。 His thick black hair was bed away from his face; full on the sides; a ducktail in back。 He was wearing jeans and a white T…shirt with the sleeves rolled up to reveal tattoos on both biceps。 
 〃Somethin' wrong here?〃 he asked across the car。 
 Jim stared at him for a beat; then said; 〃These people need a ride to the nearest town。〃 
 As the man came around the Trans Am; the passenger door opened; and a woman got out。 She was a couple of years younger than her panion; dressed in baggy tan shorts; a white halter top; and a white bandana Unruly dyed…blond hair sprayed out around that piece of headgear; framing a face so heavily made up that it looked like a testing ground for Max Factor。 She wore too much clunky costume jewelry; as well: big dangling silver earrings; three strands of glass beads in different shades of red; two bracelets on each wrist; a watch; and four rings。 On the upper slope of her left breast was a blue and pink butterfly tattoo。 
 〃You break down?〃 she asked。 
 Jim said; 〃The motor home has a flat。〃 
 〃I'm Frank;〃 the guy said。 〃This is Verna。〃 He was chewing gum。 
 〃I'll help you fix the tire。〃 
 Jim shook his head。 〃We can't use the motor home anyway。 There's a dead man in it。〃 
 〃Dead man?〃 〃And another one over there;〃 Jim said; gesturing beyond the Road king。 
 Verna was wide…eyed。 
 Frank stopped chewing his gum for a beat; glanced at the shotgun on the Harley rack; then looked at Jim again。 〃You kill them?〃 〃Yeah。 Because they kidnapped this woman and her child。〃 
 Frank studied him a moment; then glanced at Lisa。 〃That true?〃 he asked her。 
 She nodded。 
 〃Jesus jumpin' catfish;〃 Verna said。 
 Jim glanced at Susie。 She was in another world; and she would need some professional help to reenter this one。 He was certain she couldn't hear a thing they said。 
 Curiously; he felt as detached as the child looked。 He was still sinking into that internal darkness; and before long it would swallow him pletely。 He told Frank: 〃These guys I killed…they wasted the husband。 。 。 the father。 His body's in a station wagon a couple of miles west of here。〃 
 〃Oh; shit;〃 Frank said; 〃that's a rough one。〃 
 Verna drew against Frank's side and shuddered。 
 〃I want you to take them to the nearest town; fast as you can。 Get medical attention for them。 Then contact the state police; get them out here。〃 
 〃Sure;〃 Frank said。 
 But Lisa said; 〃Wait。 。 。 no。 。 。 I can't。 。 。〃 Jim went to her; and she whispered to him: 〃They look like。 。 。 I can't。 。 。 。 I'm just afraid。 。 。〃 
 Jim put a hand on her shoulder; stared directly into her eyes。 
 〃Things aren't always what they appear to be。 Frank and Verna are okay。 
 You trust me?〃 〃Yes。 Now。 of course〃 〃Then believe me。 You can trust them。〃 
 〃But how can you know?〃 she asked; her voice breaking。 
 〃I know;〃 he said firmly。 
 She continued to meet his eyes for a few seconds; then nodded and said; 〃All right。〃 
 The rest was easy。 As docile as if she had been drugged; Susie allowed herself to be lifted into the back seat。 Her mother joined her there; cuddled her。 When Frank was behind the wheel again and Verna at his side; Jim gratefully accepted a can of root beer from their ice chest。 
 Then he closed Verna's door; leaned down to the open window; and thanked her and Frank。 
 〃You're not waitin' here for the cops; are you?〃 Frank asked。 
 〃You're not in trouble; you know。 You're the hero here。〃 
 〃I know。 But I'm not waiting。〃 
 Frank nodded。 〃You got your reasons; I guess。 You want us to say you was a bald guy with dark eyes; hitched a ride with a trucker going east?〃 〃No。 Don't lie。 Don't lie for me。〃 
 〃Whatever you want;〃 Frank said。 
 Verna said; 〃Don't worry。 We'll take good care of them。〃 
 〃I know you will;〃 Jim said。 
 He drank the root beer and watched the Trans Am until it had driven out of sight。 
 He climbed on the Harley; thumbed the starter button; used the long heavy shift to slide the gear wheel into place; rolled in a little throttle; released the clutch; and rode across the highway。 He went off the shoulder; down the slight incline; onto the floor of the desert; and headed directly south into the immense and inhospitable Mojave。 
 For a while he rode at
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